How hot is gumbet in October?

The average temperature is 21°C in Gumbet in October, rising to a high of 24°C in the hottest part of the afternoon. With eight hours of sunshine each day, you might want to pack plenty of sun cream for your visit at this time.

Where is warmest in Turkey in October?

In October, the hottest part of Turkey is definitely the southern coast (Alanya, Side, Marmaris, Dalyan, Antalya). Adana is even hotter because Toros Mountain protects it from the cold winds from the north.

Should I go to Turkey in October?

Yes, Turkey is warm in October which makes the month a good time to visit the country. The temperatures begin to drop towards the end of October, when it begins to get a bit cold here.

Is it still hot in Turkey in October?

Days are usually hot with balmy evenings, so visitors should pack light and cool clothing. The average daily maximum is 27 C and the average daily minimum is 17 C.

Is October a good time to visit Turkey?

The best time to visit Turkey is between April and May and September and October. The weather in Turkey is rather mild during these months, so you will be able to explore the cities, and the outdoor ruins without worrying about the heat. This is shoulder season, so there will be fewer crowds.

Does it rain a lot in Turkey in October?

Sunshine and rainfall There is a 68% chance of a perfect sunny day and a 32% chance of seeing a mixture of sunshine and clouds with an average 19mm of rainfall this month.

Is Turkey Nice in October?

Most parts of the country enjoy warm weather in October though, while you’ll get plenty of sun at places on the popular southern Mediterranean coast. Turkey’s Aegean and Mediterranean holiday spots enjoy hot dry summers, with rain picking up as autumn goes on in October.

Which is the warmest resort in Turkey?

In fact, Cizre can claim to be the hottest place in the entire country. In 2021 Cizre saw the highest temperature ever recorded in Turkey, when the mercury rose to a sweltering 49.1 °C. This broke the previous record of 49 °C that had stood for 60 years and was also set in Cizre.

Is it cold in Turkey in October?

The weather begins to cool off from late October. November through to March can get quite cold and many hotels in coastal areas close during these months. However, despite the cool temperatures, these winter months can be the best time to explore the sites, as they’re far less busy.