How is the XY tolerance defined in the Intersect dialog?

What is the XY Tolerance defined in the Intersect dialog, what does it do? The x,y tolerance refers to the minimum distance between coordinates before they are consideredequal. In a geodatabase feature class, the XY tolerance is calculated as a function of theprojection definition assigned to the feature class.

What is tolerance in ArcGIS?

tolerance. [data editing] The minimum or maximum variation allowed when processing or editing a geographic feature’s coordinates. For example, during editing, if a second point is placed within the snapping tolerance distance of an existing point, the second point will be snapped to the existing point.

What is the difference between clip and intersect in ArcGIS?

What’s the difference between the clip tool and the intersect tool? The main difference is the resulting attributes. When you run the clip tool, only the input features attributes will be in the output. When you use the intersect tool, the attributes from all features will be in the output.

What is Clip feature in ArcGIS?

What Is the Clip Tool? The Clip Tool cuts out an input layer to a defined feature boundary. Like a cookie-cutter, the output is a new clipped output. The clipping layer must be a polygon. But the input layer can be points, lines, or polygons.

What do you mean by cluster tolerance?

Cluster Tolerance is the distance range in which all vertices and boundaries in a shapefile or feature dataset are considered identical or coincident. ESRI says, set the cluster tolerance to a value that is an order of magnitude less than the accuracy of your data.

What is snapping tolerance?

The snapping tolerance is the distance within which the pointer or a feature snaps to another location. If the element being snapped to—such as a vertex or edge—is within the distance you set, the pointer automatically snaps to the location. You set the default snap tolerance value in pixels.

Why would you use the Define New Feature Type wizard?

The Research areas layer is symbolized by unique values, so the Define New Feature Type wizard allows you to define the symbol and create a feature template containing the default attributes for the new buffer zones category. You will use an existing feature to create the new buffer around it in a later exercise.

How does a clip function differ from select by location?

How does the clip function differ from Select by Location? A clip works like a cookie cutter to truncate the features of one file based on the outline of another, which differs from Select by Location in that the latter function can only select (or not select) the entire feature.

How do you use clip feature in Arcmap?

Clipping a polygon feature

  1. Click the Edit tool. on the Editor toolbar.
  2. Select the feature you want to use to clip.
  3. Click the Editor menu and click Clip.
  4. Type a buffer value.
  5. Click the type of clip operation: whether to discard or maintain the area that intersections.
  6. Click OK to clip the feature.

Why is snapping tolerance important?

Snapping is an important setting when editing or creating GIS data because it ensures that edges and vertices that need to be adjoining are cleanly connected. Without snapping, errors in the data such as overlapping polygons, spaces between polygons, and overlapping lines can occur.

What does enable snapping mean?

F8. Options Menu. From the Options menu, choose Enable Snapping to turn snapping on or off in the main timeline and in the Trimmer window. Snapping helps you align items along the timeline when you move events, trim events, or work with markers and regions.