Is a trainee the same as an apprentice?

The main difference between an apprenticeship and a traineeship is that a traineeship can be within a broader range of occupations and is run either part-time or full-time, where you are employed and trained for typically between one to two years; compared to an apprenticeship, which covers skilled trades and takes …

What does pre apprenticeship mean?

Pre-apprenticeship is a program or set of services designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program. A pre-apprenticeship program, by definition, has a documented partnership with at least one Registered Apprenticeship program.

Does a traineeship count as education?

A traineeship is an education and training programme which incorporates work experience, preparing young people for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’.

Is a traineeship worth it?

Your employability skyrockets. NCVER reports show that of those who completed an apprenticeship or traineeship in 2018, 80% were employed after their training. What’s more, plenty may just receive a full-time position from the company they trained under.

What is a traineeship course?

A traineeship is a course with work experience that gets you ready for work or an apprenticeship. Not all young people are prepared or confident for work. Traineeships provide a supported and informed environment to guide and move into an apprenticeship, workplace or further study/training.

What is a pre Trade course?

Pre-trade training is an alternative to going directly into an apprenticeship. This is usually a Level 3 qualification which you study at a polytechnic, technical institute or through a private training organisation.

What level are traineeships?

The Traineeship programme will allow you to achieve a full Level 2 qualification, and will include the following key elements: a main knowledge based qualification in the chosen occupational area. vocational skills development. transversal and digital skills.

Do I get paid on a traineeship?

Traineeships are unpaid. However some colleges and employers pay a training allowance or may cover other costs such as travel or lunch during the work placement.

Is a traineeship an internship?

Sometimes, doing an internship involves working towards gaining a certification that will help you as your career develops. Some internships are paid, whereas others aren’t. A traineeship on the other hand, is an official training programme, offered by employers to train up new staff for a specific role.

Can trainees be left alone?

The Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act overrides the requirements of the National Regulations. The updated requirements for services employing trainees include the trainee: is not left alone with children at any time.