What are the 5 Steps to Safer surgery?

Five Steps to Safer Surgery is a surgical safety checklist. It involves briefing, sign-in, timeout, sign-out and debriefing, and is now advocated by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) for all patients in England and Wales undergoing surgical procedures.

How effective is the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist?

A retrospective study revealed that the use of the WHO checklist could have prevented 14.9% of all wrong-side errors (such as marking the wrong side) that did not lead to surgery being performed on the wrong side and 85.3% of all wrong-side errors that actually did lead to surgery being performed on the wrong side (9).

WHO Safe Surgery Saves Lives?

The World Health Organization (WHO) Safe Surgery Saves Lives campaign aimed to implement safe surgical procedures and patient safety best practices to reduce the incidence of adverse events both in the operating room and in the ward.

When was the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist introduced?

Launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in June 2008, with substantial input from UK clinicians, the checklist was mandated for use in the NHS in January 2009. It is now in standard use across the UK as well as worldwide.

What is the universal protocol for surgery?

The Universal Protocol dictates the minimum requirements physicians must follow to help prevent basic surgical mistakes and is required to be implemented by all accredited hospitals, ambulatory care, and office-based surgical facilities. In 2004, The Joint Commission released the Universal Protocol.

What is a surgical checklist?

A surgical safety checklist is a patient safety communication tool that is used by a team of operating room professionals (nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and others) to discuss important details about each surgical case.

What is the surgical checklist?

How many items are included in the WHO surgical safety checklist?

World Health Organization (WHO) published the surgical safety checklist which comprises 19 items that must be checked at 3 points all the time of surgery; sign in, time out and time out [4].

How many items are included in the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist?

What is a surgical timeout?

The surgical “time out” represents the last part of the Universal Protocol and is performed in the operating room, immediately before the planned procedure is initiated. The “time out” represents the final recapitulation and reassurance of accurate patient identity, surgical site, and planned procedure.