What are the symptoms of peroneal tendon subluxation?

The symptoms of subluxation may include: A snapping feeling of the tendon around the ankle bone. Sporadic pain behind the outside ankle bone. Ankle instability or weakness….Peroneal Tendon Injuries

  • Pain.
  • Swelling.
  • Warmth to the touch.

Does tendon subluxation show up on MRI?

Tendon dislocations Patients typically give a history of ankle sprain [20]. In non-permanent cases, it is possible to provoke displacement by dorsiflexion–eversion of the foot. MRI can be used to detect ruptures of the SPR or associated split tears of the PBT in subluxations [1,5].

Is peroneal subluxation common?

Recurrent peroneal tendon subluxation is an uncommon sports-related injury. The retrofibular groove is formed not by the concavity of the fibula itself, but by a relatively pronounced ridge of collagenous soft tissue blended with the periosteum that extends along the posterolateral lip of the distal fibula.

How do you test for peroneal subluxation?

The patient’s relaxed foot is examined hanging in a relaxed position with the knee flexed 90°. Slight pressure is applied to the peroneal tendons posterior to the fibula. The patient then is asked to dorsiflex and evert the foot forcibly. Pain may be elicited, or subluxation of the tendons may be felt.

Can you Retear your peroneal tendon?

Recurrence. Some patients can retear the tendon and / or the retinaculum with recurrence of tendon instability, but this is rare and usually results from a significant re-injury rather than failure of the surgical technique.

How long does peroneal tendon subluxation surgery take?

Surgically repairing your peroneal tendons usually takes 1-1 1/2 hours to perform. Spinal anesthesia is given to numb you from the waist down, and you are sedated so that you sleep through the procedure. An incision approximately 12 centimeters long is made along the outside of your ankle, along your peroneal tendons.

How common is peroneal tendon subluxation?

Subluxations or dislocations of the peroneal tendons, although not rare, are a relatively uncommon phenomenon in the realm of the foot and ankle.

How do you treat peroneus brevis tendon?

Nonsurgical Treatment

  1. Immobilization. A cast or splint may be used to keep the foot and ankle from moving and allow the injury to heal.
  2. Medications. Oral or injected anti-inflammatory drugs may help relieve pain and inflammation.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Bracing.