What can you do to get a custom view to display within Interface Builder?

Creating a Custom View

  1. Step 1: Design custom view Interface Builder.
  2. Step 2: Create subclass of UIView.
  3. Step 3: Set custom class in Interface Builder.
  4. Step 4: Connect outlets.
  5. Step 5: Create outlet for content view.
  6. Step 6: Add initialization code.
  7. Step 7: Add code that allows configuration of your custom view.

How do I add a custom view to storyboard?

Create a custom class with a XIB I want this class to be editable with Interface Builder (IB). Add a file to your project “File → New → File…”. On add new file window, choose “View” under “User Interface” category. Then we need to create the class to add our custom properties.

How do I create a custom view controller?

Creating Custom Views programatically. Open Xcode ▸ File ▸ New ▸ File ▸ Cocoa Touch class ▸ Add your class name ▸ Select UIView or subclass of UIView under Subclass of ▸ Select language ▸ Next ▸ Select target ▸ Create the source file under your project directory.

How do I create a custom view with xib?

  1. Create a XIB File.
  2. Design Your View in Interface Builder.
  3. Create a Custom UIView File.
  4. Override Both UIView Initializers.
  5. Add UIView As XIB File’s Owner.
  6. Add Entire View as an IB Outlet in UIView File.
  7. Load XIB in Common Initializer.
  8. Use Your View.

How do I create a custom view in SwiftUI?

To get started, you’ll create a new custom view to manage your map. Choose File > New > File, select iOS as the platform, select the “SwiftUI View” template, and click Next. Name the new file MapView. swift and click Create.

What is a custom view controller?

A custom view controller is a subclass of UIViewController that you use to present your application’s content. Many of the Xcode project templates come with a custom view controller class that you can modify for your needs.

What is the purpose of IBDesignable?

When applied to a UIView or NSView subclass, the @IBDesignable designation lets Interface Builder know that it should render the view directly in the canvas. This allows seeing how your custom views will appear without building and running your app after each change.

What is the use of @IBDesignable?

@IBInspectable allows us to create attributes in code that we can assign in a storyboard or a . xib file. For example, when we want a cornerRadius property available in a Storyboard, we create a cornerRadius property inside our custom view and mark it with @IBInspectable .

Why does UIView have an init in it?

UIView has such an init because it conforms to NSCoding, a protocol for the view to be encoded and decoded for archiving. Our custom view has to implement (it is an override, but without the override modifier), and decode to init the view.

How do I get setupviews () to work with convenience initializers?

In your convenience initializer (#3), the first line self.init (frame: .zero) will result in setupViews () being called. And then setupViews () is called again at the end of that convenience initializer. You could remove the convenience keyword and change the first line to super.init (frame: .zero) to fix that. Thanks.

Why do we create custom views?

We create custom view when the controls from UIKit is not sufficient to do your job. Custom view will be composed of other views, with certain custom behaviours. There are often times when you construct your storyboard or init your view controller with multiple views, but they could – alternatively – be accomplished with a custom view.