What does crystallized intelligence refer to quizlet?

crystallized intelligence. the ability to retain and use knowledge that was acquired through experience.

What is an example of crystalized intelligence?

General crystallized intelligence (Gc), or crystallized intelligence, is information you’ve learned in the past and stored. Gc results from experience, education, and cultural background. School testing of learned facts and job candidate testing of software knowledge are examples of crystallized knowledge assessments.

What is crystallized intelligence in psychology quizlet?

-Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use skills, knowledge, and experience. It does not equate to memory, but it does rely on accessing information from long-term memory.

What is crystallized intelligence AP Psychology?

Crystallized intelligence: The ability to apply previously learned knowledge to solve a new task. Fluid intelligence: The ability to solve new tasks for which there is no prior knowledge. Savant syndrome: A condition in which someone shows exceptional ability in a single skill but limited general mental ability.

What is an element of crystallized intelligence?

theory which states that there are two different types of intelligence- fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence. allows reasoning, thinking, and acquisition of new knowledge. Crystallized knowledge. the knowledge and understanding we have acquired.

How does crystallized intelligence differ from fluid intelligence?

Fluid intelligence is the ability to use logic and solve problems in new or novel situations without reference to pre-existing knowledge. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use knowledge that was previously acquired through education and experience.

Why is crystallized intelligence important?

It helps you figure out, for example, that you need one specific equation to do it. Your crystallized intelligence then helps you to remember that equation. Without both types of intelligence, you’d never be able to get through that test, but you wouldn’t be able to get through other aspects of your life either.

What is fluid intelligence in psychology?

Fluid intelligence is the ability to to think abstractly, reason quickly and problem solve independent of any previously acquired knowledge. Whilst it is considered separate to crystallized intelligence, they are closely interlinked and due to the multiplicity of tasks, we utilise both in many of the same situations.

What is assimilation AP Psychology?

assimilation. refers to interpreting a new experience in terms of an existing schema.In Piaget’s theory. attachment. an emotional tie with another person, shown in young children by their seeking closeness to a caregiver and showing distress on separation.

How does crystallized intelligence impact learning?

Low crystallized abilities may hamper an individual’s ability to comprehend word problems due to lack of vocabulary knowledge. They may hamper one’s ability to learn basic math processes, such as long division, due to impairments in one’s ability to listen and follow sequential directions.

How is crystallized intelligence used in psychology?

This type of intelligence is linked to eduction, experience and cultural background and is measured by tests of general information. The use of crystallized intelligence involves the recalling of pre-existing information as well as skills. For example, knowing how to ride a bike or read a book.

What’s the difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence?

Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason and solve problems in unique and novel situations, while crystallized intelligence refers to the ability to use knowledge acquired through past learning or experience.