What is Alluka Zoldyck birthday?

11 1988
16 Hunter x Hunter Characters Statistics Chart

Character Age Birthday
Alluka Zoldyck 11 1988
Biscuit Krueger 57 1942
Machi Komacine 24 Unknown
Nobunaga Hazama 28 September 8th, 1970

What was Alluka born as?

The official data book lists Alluka’s gender as male, and two of Alluka’s brothers, Illumi and Milluki, refer to Alluka as their brother. However, Killua, the person closest to Alluka, specifically states that Alluka is a girl and refers to Alluka as his sister multiple times.

Why do they call Alluka he when its a girl?

Alluka identifies as a girl; this does not make him female. Referring to him as a male is not transphobic; it is grammatically correct. Insisting that he is a male because of the sex he was assigned at birth is not transphobic; it is blatantly accurate.

How does Alluka wish work?

When he “commands” Alluka, his request will bypass any existing backlash and be granted without repercussions. If somebody else wishes other than Killua, they will suffer the same consequences of the last wish that was supposed to be given.

What is Chrollo’s birthday?

Chrollo Lucilfer The charming tyrant was born on November 15th, making him a Scorpio. As a Scorpio, Chrollo shows an uncanny similarity with his loyal, resourceful, focused, brave, faithful, and ambitious personality.

Is Alluka a trap?

Alluka is male by biological sex, but female by gender. I am confused, can you explain what does it mean? So, It’s a trap.

Why did Killua cry nanika?

Growing upset, Killua says she must never come out again, which makes her cry as she agrees to it and disappears. Killua hugs Alluka, thinking she is free now while apologizing to Nanika. Alluka wakes up and calls out for her brother, then quickly becomes angry at him for making Nanika cry.

Who can beat Alluka?

If she is required to be close she would most likely die instantly by either Meruem or one of the royal guards. Killua would also be more burdened in protecting her. It would just complicate many components of the plan. Getting Alluka to Gon and avoiding Illumi is much easier than killing the King.

Is Gon a 14?

Anywhere Between 12 & 14. Gon is around 12 years old during the Hunter Exam arc, having been born on May 5th, 1987. His age can be extrapolated from several events in the manga, the most important of which is that the Hunter Exam takes place in January 1999.

Who is Alluka Zoldyck?

You can help the LGBT+ Characters Wiki by expanding it. Alluka Zoldyck is a transgender character from Hunter x Hunter . Alluka Zoldyck is the second youngest child of Kikyo and Silva Zoldyck.

How does Silva describe Alluka before she is introduced?

Before Alluka’s formal introduction, Silva refers to her as a dark and uncontrollable child. He claims that Alluka has no soul because of the circumstances of her birth, and cannot feel emotions.

Is Alluka a boy or a girl?

Although, Silva describes Alluka as a dark child, who is uncontrollable, and doesn’t feel any emotions. Alluka is a girl; even though, rest of her family refer to her with male pronouns (Illumi and Milluki refer to Alluka as their “brother.”)

What did Alluka ask for from Kasuga?

When Kasuga was with Alluka, Alluka suddenly asked her for her liver, which Kasuga declined. She followed up with three continuous requests for her duodenum, spine, and brain respectively, which were all declined as well.