What is considered a stasis ulcer?

A stasis ulcer is a breakdown of the skin (ulcer) caused by fluid build-up in the skin from poor vein function (venous insufficiency). Fluid leaks from the veins into skin tissue when the blood backs up rather than returning to the heart through the veins.

How do you treat a stasis ulcer?

Caring for venous ulcers

  1. Clean the wound regularly.
  2. Apply a dressing to the ulcer.
  3. Avoid products that cause skin sensitivity.
  4. Wear compression stockings to prevent blood from pooling in the legs and to speed healing.
  5. Apply an antibacterial ointment or another topical medicine to prevent or treat an infection.

What is the difference between stasis ulcer and pressure ulcer?

Venous skin ulcers are caused by poor circulation in the legs caused by damaged valves that prevent blood from flowing the wrong way, allowing blood to pool in the legs. Pressure ulcers, on the other hand, are caused by sustained pressure on an area of the body, which cuts off blood flow.

Does stasis dermatitis cause ulcers?

Stasis dermatitis is a change in the skin that results in the pooling of blood in the veins of the lower leg. Ulcers are open sores that can result from untreated stasis dermatitis.

What causes a stasis ulcer?

Stasis ulcers are caused by: Venous insufficiency (poor return of venous blood from the peripheries to the central circulation) Venous hypertension (high pressures within the veins) Oedema (accumulation of fluid in the lower limbs).

What causes stasis ulcers?

Is diabetic ulcer same as stasis ulcer?

Venous stasis ulcers are another common type of chronic wound that is often, although not always, associated with diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and developed any sores or wounds, of course, it is best to seek medical treatment right away.

What is stasis ulcer on leg?

What is a stasis ulcer? A stasis ulcer is the most common cause of chronic full-thickness skin loss on the lower leg. As the name implies venous blood doesn’t flow properly from the leg back towards the heart.

What cream is good for leg ulcers?

The most frequently used topical antimicrobials in wound care practice are chlorhexidine, iodine, silver containing products, mupriocin and fucidic acid.

Are leg ulcers life threatening?

Left untreated, these ulcers can cause serious complications. If you begin to experience irregular symptoms or notice pain in your lower extremities, seek immediate medical attention. Don’t self-diagnose. Your wound or symptoms could be indicators of a more serious condition.