What is considered the best Vietnam War movie?

Top 10 Vietnam War Films, Ranked (According To MetaCritic)

  1. 1 Apocalypse Now (94)
  2. 2 Platoon (92)
  3. 3 The Deer Hunter (86)
  4. 4 Da 5 Bloods (82)
  5. 5 Full Metal Jacket (76)
  6. 6 Casualties Of War (75)
  7. 7 Born On The Fourth Of July (75)
  8. 8 Who’ll Stop The Rain (73)

Are there any Vietnamese movies about the Vietnam War?

His first movie was “Platoon” (1986), his second “Born on the Fourth of July” (1989) and the third one was “Heaven & Earth” (1993). In Heaven & Earth he tells the true story of a Vietnamese village girl who survives a life of suffering and hardship during and after the Vietnam war.

What are some good free war movies on YouTube?

The Best Free War Movies You Can Watch On YouTube Right Now

  • The Great Escape. MGM. “Come for the dramatized retelling of the honest-to-goodness bonkers escape from the Stalag Luft III prison camp.
  • Red Cliff. Chengtian Entertainment.
  • Tangerines. Allfilm.
  • The Longest Day. 20th Century Studios.
  • Why We Fight. Samuel Goldwyn Films.

Who Started Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War (1955-1975) was fought between communist North Vietnam, backed by the Soviet Union and China, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States. The bloody conflict had its roots in French colonial rule and an independence movement driven by communist leader Ho Chi Minh.

What wars has USA lost?

Wars The United States Didn’t Win

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion.
  • Korean War.
  • Russian Civil War.
  • Second Samoan War.
  • Formosa Expedition (Paiwan War)
  • Red Cloud’s War.
  • Powder River Indian War.
  • War of 1812. The War of 1812 lasted for two years between 1812 and 1814.

Was the Vietnam War really that terrifying for soldiers?

Yes, It was very terrifying for soldiers. It is a war for apparent reason. Even Civilians are terrified. During a War, theirs no guarantee that you can just sit back, and feel safe. Anytime, and anywhere, The hysteria that you are safe is just a dream if you are a soldier.

Did the Vietnam War hurt or help Vietnam?

Well, of course the Vietnam War was very devastating to the country of Vietnam. Both the North and South were hurt badly. In the North, there was a lot of bombing by American planes. There were…

Is Vietnam War a proxy war?

Vietnam was a proxy war because the war was fueled by the USSR and the People’s Republic of China. A proxy war refers to superpowers not being directly involved in conflict,but supporting a side that best suits their interests. The USSR and China sent logistical,military and diplomatic support to the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.

How did Vietnam recover from the Vietnam War?

Of the original 196 individuals “Last Known Alive” in Vietnam (those who survived or may have survived their loss incident and were either alive on the ground,in captivity,or

  • Of the 177 whose deaths have been confirmed,the remains of 51 have been located and identified; efforts continue to recover the remaining 126.
  • U.S.