What is Trigeminothalamic pathway?

Definition. Trigeminothalamic tracts refer to brainstem pathways from the spinal nucleus of V (trigeminal nerve) and the principal (chief) nucleus of V to the ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus. Two separate trigeminothalamic tracts have been identified: a ventral and a dorsal tract.

Where is the trigeminothalamic tract located?

Midbrain. The mesencephalic trigeminal tract and nucleus continue to be located within the anterolateral aspect of the periaqueductal gray. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract is located along the posterior aspect of the medial lemniscus.

Where does the trigeminothalamic tract Decussate?

Axons of the second-order neurons then decussate to enter the trigeminal lemniscus in the midbrain and then ascend to the ventral posteromedial nucleus of the contralateral thalamus, forming the ventral trigeminothalamic tract.

What is lateral lemniscus?

The lateral lemniscus is part of the auditory tract of the brainstem. It starts at the level of the superior olivary complex and terminates at the inferior colliculus. The fibers of the contralateral dorsal cochlear nucleus reach the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus directly via the lateral lemniscus.

Is trigeminothalamic tract ipsilateral or contralateral?

The intracerebral trigeminal pathways can be subdivided into three pathways: a ventral (contralateral) and dorsal (mainly ipsilateral) trigeminothalamic tract and the intranuclear pathway.

What is medial lemniscus?

The medial lemniscus is a second-order neuron of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway (DCML), which, with the somatotopic arrangement, transports the sensory spinothalamic information of conscious proprioception, vibration, fine touch, and 2-point discrimination of skin and joints of the body and head; from the …

Where is the lateral lemniscus located?

The lateral lemniscus is part of the auditory tract of the brainstem. It starts at the level of the superior olivary complex and terminates at the inferior colliculus. The fibers of the contralateral dorsal cochlear nucleus reach the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus directly via the lateral lemniscus.

Where is the lateral spinothalamic tract located?

the spinal cord
The lateral spinothalamic tract, also known as the lateral spinothalamic fasciculus, is an ascending pathway located anterolaterally within the peripheral white matter of the spinal cord. It is primarily responsible for transmitting pain and temperature as well as coarse touch.

What are the lateral and medial lemniscus?

By mid-pons, the medial lemniscus has rotated. Fibres from the head are medial, fibres from the leg are lateral. The orientation in the midbrain is similar to that in the pons.

What is the medial lemniscus?

major pathway for carrying tactile and proprioceptive information to the thalamus. The medial lemniscus is formed in the medulla as fibers from the posterior column nuclei cross the midline.

What is the lateral lemniscus?