Where is the Showpo office?

Showpo is headquartered in Sydney, Australia and has 2 office locations across 1 country.

How many employees does Showpo have?

Company Growth (employees)

Employees (est.) (Apr 2022) 121
Revenue (Y, 2018) $85 M (+184%)
Cybersecurity rating B More

Where is Showpo shipped from?

From what we can see on the website, Showpo clothing is being shipped from either Australia or the U.S. Showpo Shipping to the US: Items Shipping from Australia: Free standard delivery for Showpo orders over $50 (3-6 business days)

How much is Showpo worth?

Showpo is an Australian online fashion retailer. Primarily aimed at young women, the company’s vision is “to be her go to place to shop”. As of June 2017, Showpo’s annual revenue was $30 million, with 35% of sales occurring internationally….Showpo.

Industry Online Retail, Fashion, Clothing, Shoes
Revenue US$ 30 million (2017)

Who is the owner of Showpo?

Showpo founder Jane Lu reveals how she went from student accountant, ‘broke’ and selling clothes out of her parents’ garage to CEO of a multi-million dollar fashion empire.

Can you trust Showpo?

Showpo is a legit company. You may also be interested to know that the company partners with non-profit, The Hunger Project Australia. All proceeds from selling their samples of Showpo dresses and outfits are donated to the charity.

Is Showpo ethical?

Forever 21, Bec and Bridge, Camilla and Marc, Showpo, Millers and Noni B are among some of the Australian fashion labels with the lowest ethical grade, according to Baptist World Aid Australia’s annual Ethical Fashion report out today.

How big is Showpo?

Showpo is an Australian online fashion retailer. Primarily aimed at young women, the company’s vision is “to be her go to place to shop”. As of June 2017, Showpo’s annual revenue was $30 million, with 35% of sales occurring internationally.

Is Showpo made in China?

If you’re wondering, “Where does Showpo get their clothes from?” – we have an answer. According to Jane Lu: “We source and design our products in Australia, however they are manufactured in China.”

Where does Showpo get their clothes from?

Showpo’s Instagram page now boasts 1.5 million followers and has more than 5000 different styles, with 80 per cent of it being their own brand — which is designed, produced and made in-house in Sydney.

Where is Showpo from?

Sydney, Australia
Showpo, a women fashion ecommerce store with headquarter in Sydney, Australia, has been making over $30 million in sales and has become a famous ecommerce store in the fashion industry.

Are there sweatshops in Australia?

The clothing industry in Australia is characterised by long contracting supply chains where designers and clothing labels contract work out to factories. These factories often then subcontract work out to other factories, backyard sweatshops or outworkers.