Who and whom in a sentence?

Use who when the subject of the sentence would normally require a subject pronoun like he or she. For example, “Who is the best in class?” If you rewrote that question as a statement, “He is the best in class.” makes sense. Use whom when a sentence needs an object pronoun like him or her.

Who vs whom exercises?

Who/Whom Exercise

  • Choose whoever/whomever you want.
  • Show the door to whoever/whomever disagrees.
  • Who/whom did you see?
  • A man who/whom I recognized left the theater.
  • He is the one who/whom we think will give up first.
  • We don’t know who/whom you are talking about.
  • I never met anyone who/whom looked so tired as she/her.

Who or whom simple explanation?

The rules of when to use who and whom are actually pretty simple. According to English grammar rules: The word who should be used when the person it’s describing is the subject of a sentence. The word whom should be used when the person it’s describing is the object of a sentence, or if it comes after a preposition.

Who I trust or whom I trust?

Long answer: “whom I can trust” is a relative clause, and it’s “whom” because inside the relative clause the pronoun is the object of “trust.” The relative pronoun “whom” moves out of its normal position (after “trust”) to the front of the relative clause, so that it appears right after its antecedent “the person.” …

Which is correct who I love or whom I love?

The correct way to phrase this whom I love so much, not who I love so much. We know that whom is correct because this pronoun refers to the object of a preposition or verb. We may not have a preposition, but we have the verb love.

Who do I feel or whom I feel?

People who use the formal ‘whom’ normally place the preposition before it. If you were to use ‘who’, ‘that’ or no relative, the preposition would be fine at the end. 2) Why is “there are people whom I feel comfortable to be with” is incorrect? Because we always say “I feel comfortable to be with you.”

Who I miss or whom I miss?

Who We Miss or Whom We Miss? Whom we miss is correct, not who we miss. Who refers to the subject while whom refers to the object of the preposition or verb. We is the subject.

Who or whom I met?

When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom. Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

Who I call or whom I call?

Who I love vs whom I love?