Can you grow Bhut Jolokia?

The Bhut jolokia, also known as the “ghost pepper,” is native to India and is currently considered the hottest pepper in the world. It is a finicky plant with a long growing season of 120 days and can try the patience of even seasoned gardeners.

Can you grow ghost peppers in your backyard?

Care of Ghost Chili Peppers in order to be grown outside. If growing ghost peppers in containers, use a well-draining potting medium. Peppers growing in the garden may need to have organic matter added to the soil, especially if the soil is sandy.

How long does it take to grow a ghost pepper?

150 days
Ghost peppers require a long growing season – up to 150 days from planting to harvest – so it’s best to start seeds indoors at least eight to 10 weeks before the average last frost date in your area. Soak seeds in a little water overnight before sowing. Sow 1/4 inch deep in trays filled with potting soil.

What is the easiest hot pepper to grow?

Jalapeño – One of the most popular hot peppers grown in gardens, varieties of Jalapeno are generally easy to grow and produce a good crop. The deep green fruits are two to four inches long and mature to red.

Do ghost peppers come back every year?

This means that without warm weather, ghost peppers will live out their whole lives in one year and not come back. To prevent your pepper plants from dying during their first winter, grow them in containers. You can leave the containers outside during the growing season. Just move them indoors before the first frost.

How long will a ghost pepper plant live?

Ghost pepper plants will live 3–5 years in warm North American climates. Temperatures below freezing will kill ghost pepper plants. In tropical climates, ghost peppers can live up to 10 years. A healthy ghost pepper plant can produce as many as 200 peppers per-year.

What is the best fertilizer for hot peppers?

While the best pepper plant fertilizer depends on soil condition and the gardener’s preference, the top performer is Pepper & Herb Fertilizer 11-11-40 Plus Micro Nutrients. This fertilizer is formulated to provide a balanced ratio of nutrients essential for pepper plants.

Is Epsom salt good for peppers?

Epsom salt can be especially beneficial to vegetable gardens with tomatoes and peppers.