Does anyone live on the Kerguelen archipelago?

The Kerguelen Islands are located 2,051 miles away from any sort of civilization. There are no native inhabitants of the island, but as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands it is permanently occupied by 50 to 100 French scientists, engineers and researchers at any given time of the year.

Why is Kerguelen uninhabited?

The mountainous and barren interior of the country is largely uninhabited because the weather and terrain are brutal. Lava deserts, volcanic mountains, snow and ice cover the majority of the region, with little vegetation.

What country owns Kerguelen Islands?

It is very far away from any civilization and was discovered in 1772 by a French expedition. Currently is a territory of France and is home to a weather base. The Kerguelen Islands are located at 49°15′S 69°35′E. This places the archipelago just outside of the Antarctic circle.

What animals live on the Kerguelen Islands?

Among the wildlife on the Kerguelen Islands are several species of penguins, elephant and fur seals, and dozens of species of birds, including terns and albatrosses.

Who discovered the Kerguelen Islands?

The islands were discovered by Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-Trémarec, a Breton-French navigator, on 12 February 1772. One 13 February 1772, a day after the discovery by de Kerguelen-Trémarec, Charles de Boisguehenneuc landed and claimed the archipelago for the French crown.

How many people live on the Kerguelen archipelago?

50 to 100 personnel
Kerguelen has been continually occupied since 1950 by scientific research teams, with a population of 50 to 100 personnel frequently present. There is also a French satellite tracking station. Until 1955, the Kerguelen Islands were administratively part of the French Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies.

Are there trees on Kerguelen Islands?

Land vegetation There are no trees or shrubs on the islands. This was not always the case, however. Fossilized tree trunks of the family Araucariaceae can be found in certain sediments, geological witnesses of times when Kerguelen had a warmer climate than today.

Is Kerguelen island a country?

The Kerguelen Islands are an overseas territory of France. But their far-off location in the southern Indian Ocean places these islands far closer to Antarctica than to mainland Europe.

Are the Kerguelen Islands a country?

Where are the Kerguelen Islands?

southern Indian Ocean
The Kerguelen Islands are an overseas territory of France. But their far-off location in the southern Indian Ocean places these islands far closer to Antarctica than to mainland Europe.