How do I change the height of BR in CSS?

You can’t change the height of tag as its not an HTML element, it is just an instruction which enforces a line break. br does not take up any space in the page. There is a way by which you can increase line break between lines, is by putting multiple br tags.

What is BR height?

means you just put another line to your text and single paragraph should have fixed line height. If some text is separated, it should be a separate paragraph. I’ve written a thorough response to a similar question here. Sometimes the code we’ve been given to format is not something we have control over.

Can you style BR tags?

br tag should not be used for styling.

How to change the height of br tag in HTML?

How to change the height of br tag? You can’t change the height of tag as its not an HTML element, it is just an instruction which enforces a line break. br does not take up any space in the page.

How to set the width and height of a table?

The width and height of a table are defined by the widthand heightproperties. The example below sets the width of the table to 100%, and the height of the elements to 70px: Example table { width: 100%; th { height: 70px; Try it Yourself » To create a table that should only span half the page, use width: 50%: Example table { width: 50%; th {

How do I change the line height of a text block?

For completeness: Text blocks in HTML is usually done using the p tag around text blocks. That way you can control the line height inside the p tag, and also the spacing between the p tags. Show activity on this post. Take a look at the line-height property. Trying to style the tag is not the answer. Show activity on this post.

How do I change the line height of a tag?

The line height of the can be different from the line height of the rest of the text inside a. You can control the line height of your tags independently of the rest of the text by enclosing two of them in a that is styled. Use the line-height css property, as others have suggested.