How do I claim for pothole damage in Gloucestershire?

Here’s what Gloucestershire County Council say: Contact the emergency line 08000 514514 for pothole requiring urgent attention (are over over 75mm deep). When reporting a pothole, please ensure that you provide the approximate size of the pothole and its exact location (this is especially important in rural areas).

What is a rural road called?

Rural roads or “back-roads” make up a large portion of roadways in our country. A step up from dirt roads, these roads may or may not have pavement markings.

Who is responsible for roads in Cheltenham?

Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire County Council has the responsibility for keeping the roads and footpaths safe to use, for carrying out repairs (including mending potholes) and for administering highway legislation which includes gritting and snow clearing.

How do I report a pothole UK?

If the pothole you want to report is on a motorway or major A-road in England, you can also contact National Highways on 0300 123 5000 or visit For road defects in Scotland, you can also report problems on the MyGov website, and for those in Northern Ireland use NIDirect.

Are councils responsible for roads?

London’s local councils have a key role to play in managing London’s roads. London’s local councils are responsible for 95 per cent of the capital’s roads and are therefore key to ensuring that the road network is fit-for-purpose now and in the future.

Can I claim for TYRE damage from potholes?

If you hit a deep pothole – even at quite a slow speed – you could damage your tyres, wheels and steering alignment. The repairs may not be worth an insurance claim but you might be able to get compensation from the local council.

Who is responsible for repairing potholes?

Who Is Responsible for Fixing Potholes?

Type of Road Authority Responsible
England: Motorways and major A roads Highways England
Greater London: Red Routes Transport for London
Scotland: Motorways and major A roads Traffic Scotland
Wales: Motorways and major A roads Traffic Wales

What are the 3 main classifications of roadways are?

Roadways are classified by how they function within a transportation system. Functional classification divides these roadways into three categories: arterial, collector, and local roads. Typically, travelers will use a combination of all three types of roadways for their trips.

Who is responsible for maintenance of highways?

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is an autonomous body of the Indian Government which is responsible for management and maintenance of a network of National Highways. It works under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.