How do I convert 24 hours to 12 hours?

To convert from 24 hour clock times to 12 hour clock times,

  1. subtract 12 from the hours if the 24 hour time is between 13:00 and 24:00 or 13 00 hrs and 24 00 hrs.
  2. drop the hrs if it was there.
  3. add am if the 24 hour time is is between 00:00 and 11:59.
  4. add pm if the 24 hour time is is between 12:01 and 24:00.

How do I change 24 hour to 12 hour in Excel?

Convert from 24-Hour Clock to 12-Hour Clock Now in column C->C1, enter the formula ‘=TEXT(A1,”HH:MM:SS AM/PM”)’. Verify that 24-hour format is converted back to 12-hour format.

What is 12.45 on a 12-hour clock?

In this format, it may be called 1245 hours. This is also the same as 12:45 PM in 12-hour time. Fun facts: The 24-hour clock is sometimes called military time….Convert 12:45 to AM/PM format.

Clock Format Time
24 hour clock 12:45
12 hour clock (AM/PM) 12:45 PM

What time is 19.45 in 12-hour clock?

For a little refresher on time math, see our page here. The time 19:45 may also be expressed in military time. In this format, it may be called 1945 hours. This is also the same as 7:45 PM in 12-hour time.

How do I change the 24-hour format in Excel?

Right click the selected cells and then click Format Cells, or press Ctrl + 1. This will open the Format Cells dialog box. On the Number tab, under Category, select Custom, and type one of the following time formats in the Type box: Over 24 hours: [h]:mm:ss or [h]:mm.

How do I convert to military time in Excel?

Convert standard time to military with formula in Excel Select a blank cell, and type this formula =TEXT(A1,”HHMMSS”) (A1 indicates the cell you want to convert the military time to standard time, you can change it as you need), and press Enter, then drag the fill handle to fill the range you want.

What time is 20.45 in 12 hour clock?

Convert 20:45 to AM/PM format

Clock Format Time
24 hour clock 20:45
12 hour clock (AM/PM) 8:45 PM

How do I change the time format in Excel?

On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Number. You can also press CTRL+1 to open the Format Cells dialog box. In the Category list, click Date or Time. In the Type list, click the date or time format that you want to use.

How do you convert standard time to military time?

To convert standard 12 hour format to military time For instance, 2:15 am becomes 02:15 hours. If the 12 hour time is in the pm, we will add 12 hours and remove the “pm”. For example – 2:30 pm, here we add 12 hours to the hours section(2 + 12 = 14) and we get the military time of 14:30 hours.

What time is 18 45 on a 12-hour clock?

Convert 18:45 to AM/PM format

Clock Format Time
24 hour clock 18:45
12 hour clock (AM/PM) 6:45 PM

Can you convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time?

This form of timekeeping is commonly used in the U.S. military, Europe, and other parts of the world. Fortunately, it’s super simple to convert from 24-hour time to 12-hour (or standard) time and back. Remember that you only need to convert the hours—the minutes always stay the same.

How to change noon to 12pm in 24-hour time?

Leave the noon hour as-is, but remove “PM. ” You don’t need to do anything to change 12:00 PM to 12:00 in 24-hour time, except for eliminate the “PM” signifier. So, 12:22 PM would simply be 12:22, for instance.

How do you convert 12 hour format to military time?

To convert standard 12 hour format to military time If the standard time in in the am (before 12:00 pm, noon), simply remove the “am”. If the hours portion is a single digit, in our example it is a single digit “9”, we will add a “0” before the “9” resulting in “09”.

How do you convert PM to 24 hours?

Each day has 24 hours. Converting from 24-hour time to 12-hour time can cause confusion. To convert from PM to 24 hours you need to add 12 (add 12 to the first hour of the day and include “AM.”). Include the signifier “AM” for times between 1:00 and 11:59. Add the signifier “PM” for 12:00 to 12:59.