How do I counter Tryndamere?

Tryndamere, a champion reliant on basic attacks would be easily countered by Jax’s E ability counter strike. As Jax, you can lane against Tryndamere aggressively in the early laning phase, level up your W as your first ability, and out damage him.

What hard counters Tryndamere?

1.2k. Armor items such as Thornmail and Randuin’s Omen do extremely well against Tryndamere because he is completely auto-attack based.

  • 870. Igniting him at the end of his ultimate duration will usually end up in a kill, as his healing from his Q will be halved.
  • 715.
  • 144.
  • How do you counter Tryndamere ultimate?

    The goal when fighting Tryndamere should be to get him to use his ult, then disable him for its duration, then kill him. If he uses his ult to flee, all the better – re-engage on a team fight within 2 minutes, and it’ll still be on cooldown, making him prime to focus.

    Who counters Tryndamere in wild rift?

    League of Legends Wild Rift Tryndamere Counters are Darius, Pantheon, and Teemo, which have the best chance of winning Tryndamere in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Dr. Mundo or Galio as they will most likely lose to Tryndamere. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Ashe and Olaf are good with Tryndamere.

    Does Teemo counter Tryndamere?

    Tryndamere wins against Teemo 48.53% of the time which is 0.91% lower against Teemo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Teemo 0.95% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Tryndamere build & runes against Teemo.

    Does Fiora counter Tryndamere?

    Fiora wins against Tryndamere 52.76% of the time which is 2.83% higher against Tryndamere than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Fiora wins against Tryndamere 0.84% more often than would be expected.

    Does teemo counter Tryndamere?

    Does Mundo counter Tryndamere?

    Mundo wins against Tryndamere 52.29% of the time which is 2.40% higher against Tryndamere than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Dr. Mundo wins against Tryndamere 0.19% less often than would be expected.

    Does Tryndamere counter Darius?

    Tryndamere vs Darius Build Tryndamere wins against Darius 46.67% of the time which is 1.40% lower against Darius than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Darius 1.5% less often than would be expected.

    Does Tryndamere counter Irelia?

    Tryndamere wins against Irelia 54.33% of the time which is 3.37% higher against Irelia than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Irelia 2.37% more often than would be expected.

    Does Tryndamere counter Mordekaiser?

    Tryndamere wins against Mordekaiser 73.91% of the time which is 23.39% higher against Mordekaiser than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Mordekaiser 24.09% more often than would be expected.