How do I select the entire row of a selected cell?

Select the row number to select the entire row. Or click on any cell in the row and then press Shift + Space. To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold Ctrl and select the row or column numbers.

How do I select all rows in excel VBA?

To manually select all the data in a column, select the first cell, and press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW. Likewise, to manually select a row and all columns attached to the row, press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW+RIGHT ARROW.

How do I select multiple rows in excel VBA?

Select multiple rows in excel based on last row

  1. Loops through all worksheets that begin with the number 673: (e.g. 673:green, 673:blue)
  2. Selects the data in these worksheets from row 5 up until the last row with data – code that works for this is With report .Range(.Cells(5, “K”), .Cells(.Rows.Count, “K”).

How do I select every nth row in excel VBA?

Select every other or nth row with VBA

  1. Highlight the range that you want to select every other or nth row.
  2. Click Developer > Visual Basic, a new Microsoft Visual Basic for applications window will be displayed, click Insert > Module, and input the following code into the Module:
  3. Then click button to run the code.

How do I select everything under a row in Excel?

Click on the top cell, then press Ctrl and hold the space bar. All cells beneath the cell initially chosen will be highlighted.

How do I select a full row in sheets?

To select an entire row, press Shift + Space . Once a column or row is highlighted, you can apply any properties or changes that can be done to an individual cell.

What is xlDown in VBA?

End(xlDown) is the VBA equivalent of clicking Ctrl + Down . Try Ctrl + Down with. an empty column. a column with a value in row 1 but no other. values in rows 1 and 2.

How do I select multiple rows in Excel without scrolling?

Select Multiple Entire Rows of Cells. Continuing to hold down your mouse button, drag your cursor across all the rows you want to select. Or, if you prefer, you can hold down your Shift key and click the bottom-most row you want to select. Either way, you’ll select a range of rows.

How do I extract every nth row in Excel?

Copy a value from every nth row in Excel

  1. =OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])
  2. =ROW(reference)
  3. Formula starting with 1st row: =OFFSET(first_cell,(ROW(C1)-1)*n,0)
  4. Formula starting with nth row: =OFFSET(first_cell,(ROW(C1)*n-1),0)

How to find and select the last column in VBA?

Find and Select the Last Blank Cell in Column A. Sub Macro3 () ‘Step 1: Declare Your Variables. Dim LastRow As Long ‘Step 2: Capture the last used row number. LastRow = Cells (Rows.Count, 1).End (xlUp).Row ‘Step 3: Select the next row down Cells (LastRow, 1).Offset (1, 0).Select End Sub. or.

How to find last row using tables [Excel VBA]?

Video: 3 Part Series How to Find the Last Cell with VBA.

  • Finding the Last Cell is All About the Data.
  • #1 – The Range.End () Method.
  • #2 – The Range.Find () Method.
  • #3 – Range.SpecialCells (xlCellTypeLastCell) The SpecialCells method does the same thing as pressing the Ctrl+End keyboard shortcut,and selects the last used cell on the sheet.
  • How to sum up rows in Excel using VBA?

    – Sum by color from the SUBTOTAL function is the easiest way to get the sum result by color in excel. – The process steps shown in example-2 take a little more time than of example-1, but it is still easy to apply. – We don’t need to filter the colored cells separately to get the sum.

    How do you select a cell in VBA?

    – Open an Excel Worksheet – Press Alt+F11 to Open VBA Editor – Insert a Module from Insert Menu – Copy the above code for activating worksheet and Paste in the code window (VBA Editor) – Save the file as macro enabled Worksheet – Press ‘F5’ to run it or Keep Pressing ‘F8’ to debug the code line by line and observe the selection.