Is there a Greek god of stupidity?

In Greek mythology, Koalemos (Ancient Greek: Κοάλεμος) was the god of stupidity, mentioned once by Aristophanes, and being found also in Parallel Lives by Plutarch.

Who is the god of trickster?

Loki is considered a trickster god, known for being neither fully good nor evil since his main aim was always to create chaos.

Who is the god of manipulation?

DOLOS (Dolus) was the personified spirit (daimon) of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile. He was an apprentice of the Titan Prometheus and a companion of the Pseudologoi (Lies).

Are there trickster goddesses?

Laverna (Roman) A Roman goddess of thieves, cheats, liars and fraudsters, Laverna managed to get a hill on the Aventine named for her. She is often referred to as having a head but no body, or a body with no head.

Is Hermes a trickster God?

In myth, Hermes functioned as the emissary and messenger of the gods, and was often presented as the son of Zeus and Maia, the Pleiad. He is regarded as “the divine trickster,” about which the Homeric Hymn to Hermes offers the most well-known account.

Is there a god of failure?

Eris (/ˈɪərɪs, ˈɛrɪs/; Greek: Ἔρις Éris, “Strife”) is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia, which means the same….Eris (mythology)

Symbol Golden Apple of Discord
Personal information
Parents Nyx or Zeus and Hera.

Is there a god of laziness?

In Greek mythology, Aergia (/eɪˈɜrdʒə/; Ancient Greek: Ἀεργία, ‘inactivity’) is the personification of sloth, idleness, indolence and laziness. She is the translation of the Latin Socordia, or Ignavia.

Who is the most powerful trickster God?

Kaulu is a trickster god and is quite destructive and at times violent, and is known for being one of the most powerful beings in their mythology.

Who is the god of lying?

In Greek mythology, Apate (/ˈæpətiː/;Ancient Greek: Απάτη Apátē) was the personification of deceit. Her mother was Nyx, the personification of night. Her Roman equivalent was Fraus (i.e. “fraud”). Her male counterpart was Dolos, daemon of trickery, and her opposite number was Aletheia, the spirit of truth.

Is there a god of illusion?

Shakti is the goddess of Illusion, born of the union of Ius(God of the Moon) and Vistrix(Goddess of Chaos).