Is TKC publishing legit?

Overall, we give TCK Publishing four stars out of five. We like the fact that this isn’t a vanity press. They claim to accept only around 1% of manuscript submissions, showing that they have standards. We also like the range of services they provide and the final quality of the books they produce.

Is TCK Publishing a vanity press?

Yes! We’re a true small press—a traditional publisher with a twist. We are not a vanity press or fee-charging publisher. We offer marketing, coaching, and support (all free) that most traditional publishers don’t.

Where is TCK Publishing?

Granger, Indiana
TCK Publishing is headquartered in Granger, Indiana, but our international team works remotely from various locations across the globe.

What are the big 4 publishing houses?

Like this:

  • big four publishers.
  • book publishing.
  • manga distribution.
  • Penguin Random House.
  • Simon & Schuster.

Who are the big 4 in publishing?


Rank Publisher
1 Penguin Random House
2 HarperCollins
3 Simon & Schuster
4 Hachette Book Group

Who owns TCK publishing?

Tom Corson-Knowles
Tom Corson-Knowles, Founder and CEO He started his first business at age 13, manufacturing SAD lamps out of his father’s garage. By the time he graduated from Indiana University Kelley School of Business at age 22, he was earning a full-time income from his first successful business which he started in his dorm room.

How long do you have to submit a book deal?

This takes several weeks or months. Your agent sends the book to editors: You can get a book deal in a day, but I would guess that three to four months is more common. One writer I know got a deal in eighteen months. There’s no guarantee you’ll get a deal at all.

What is Big 5 publishing house?

The big 5 are, of course, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster. These companies are often seen as emblematic of the state of traditional trade book publishing in the United States.