What are safe lifting techniques?

Proper Lifting Technique

  • Keep a wide base of support.
  • Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only.
  • Keep good posture.
  • Slowly lift by straightening your hips and knees (not your back).
  • Hold the load as close to your body as possible, at the level of your belly button.

What are four safety rules when using vehicle lift?

Customers or bystanders should not be in the lift area during operation. Always keep lift area free of debris. Do not hit or run over lift arms, adapters or axle supports. Position lift supports to contact the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended lifting points and raise the lift until supports contact the vehicle.

Does OSHA require annual inspections on scissor lifts?

Does a scissor lift require a daily inspection and operator evaluation as part of the OSHA powered truck certification? This was our answer: Scissor lifts are covered under the OSHA construction rules for scaffolds. They do not fall under OSHA’s Powered Industrial Truck regulations (29 CFR 1910.178).

Are scissor lifts considered scaffolding?

Scissor lifts are mobile supported scaffold work platforms used to safely move workers vertically and to different locations in a variety of industries including construction, retail, entertainment and manufacturing.

What are five proper lifting procedures?

So here are five proper lifting techniques anybody can quickly and easily practice:

  • Keep your back straight!
  • Bend your knees!
  • Practice!
  • Keep objects raised!
  • Know your limits!

How often should your lifts be inspected?

Yes, an automotive lift should be inspected at least annually, more frequently when required by the manufacturer or the authority having jurisdiction (ie: corporate health and safety, regional auto dealer associations, insurance providers, or workers’ compensation trusts).

What should you check before putting a vehicle on a lift?

Check that all lift controls are operating properly, including synchronizing systems, restraints and locking devices. Look for deformation or excessive wear of any structural components. Check for deformation or excessive wear of non-structural components, like hoses, wires or drive chains.

What are the principles of lifting?

Principles of Safe Lifting

  • Assess the immediate area and load to be lifted.
  • Bend the knees to lower the body to the level of the load.
  • Keep feet shoulder width apart to ensure a broad, stable base.
  • Keep the back straight (though not necessarily erect).
  • Use a firm, palmar grip.
  • Keep the arms close to trunk.