What are the basics of company law?

A company is a body or an entity that has a separate legal existence from the members who comprise of it. It is a legal fiction that has been created by the Companies Act, 1956. This independent corporate personality that’s conferred upon a company on its creation is very unique in its features.

How many laws are there in company law?

A new term of “one-person company” is included in this act that will be a private company and with only 98 sections of the Act notified. A total of another 183 sections came into force from 1 April 2014….

Companies Act 2013
Bill citation Bill No. 121-C of 2011
The Companies Act 1956
Amended by

What is the latest companies Act in Ireland?

The Companies Act 2014 replaced the Companies Acts 1963-2013 on 1st June 2015. The Companies Act 2014 consolidated the 1963-2013 Acts as well as introducing some new innovations.

Who regulates companies in Ireland?

Business & Regulation The Companies Registration Office is the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. It is responsible for the incorporation of companies and the registration of business names.

What is the latest Companies Act?


Act ID: 201318
Long Title: An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to companies.
Ministry: Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Enforcement Date: 01-04-2014
Last Updated: 22-04-2019

Why do we study company law?

It’s important for business owners, managers, and other professionals to have a basic understanding of business law to help them make better decisions. Just as there are laws that apply to people, there is a huge body of law that applies to business.

What is company law and why is it important?

The importance of corporate law is the establishment of laws that govern how corporations are formed and operated. This area is closely related to the practice areas of contract and commercial law.

What company law means?

Corporate law (also known as business law or enterprise law or sometimes company law) is the body of law governing the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses. The term refers to the legal practice of law relating to corporations, or to the theory of corporations.

Can members appoint a director?

Periodically a company will have to appoint a new director. In public companies, directors are appointed by shareholders. This information guide will focus on the basic legal requirements for appointing a new director for companies with shareholders operating under the Corporations Act 2001 (‘Act’).