What are the main archeological sources of Indian history?

Various Archeological Sources of Ancient Indian History

  • Monuments. Monuments play a vital role in understanding our history.
  • Paintings. The painting tells us about the culture and religious beliefs of the people of ancient India.
  • Paleontology.
  • Inscriptions.
  • Epigraphy.
  • Paleography.
  • Coins as Archeological Sources.

What are the five archaeological sources?

Archaeological sources include buildings, houses, pottery, seals , coins, monuments , writings and paintings on stones or walls , tools, jewellery, bones, leftovers, pieces of metals and other artefacts.

What are the four types of archaeological sources?

There are four types of archaeological sources: inscriptions, monuments, artefacts and coins.

How many types of Archaeological Source are there in the early Indian history?

Archaeological Sources of Early Indian History. The Archaeological Source can be divided into three groups, Archaeological Remains & Monuments, Inscriptions, and Coins.

What are archaeological sources 8?

Answer: Archaeological sources are the inscriptions, coins, monuments, pots and pans, tools and other artefacts that have been obtained during archaeological excavations.

How many sources of ancient Indian history are there?

Literary/written sources. The literary/written sources to reconstruct Ancient Indian history can be classified among three major categories, (i) Religious, (ii) Secular and (iii) Scientific. It also comprised of some different kinds of sources like (iv) Sangam literature and (v) travelogues of foreign travelers.

What are archaeological sources 7?

Archaeological sources includes Temples,Palaces,Mosques,Forts,tombs,Coins,utensils,Paintings,tools,weapons,Inscriptions. They give us an Idea of the Political ,Social,Economic,history of that time.

How many archaeological sites are there in India?

22 Archaeological Sites in India For A History Recap (2022)

What are archaeological sources Byjus?

Monuments, inscription, coins, pottery, jewellery, seals and many more are archaeological sources of information.

What are the main sources of Ancient Indian geographical concept?

Chronologically, the Vaidikas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the works of Buddhists and Jains, and the Puranas are the main sources of ancient Indian geographical concepts.

What are the literary sources of Indian history?

Literary sources of ancient history of India

  • The Traditional Literature.
  • Vedas. The most ancient literature available on the soil of the country is the Vedas.
  • Puranas. The next important source of traditional literature is the Puranas.
  • Pali and Prakrit.
  • Dramas.
  • Grammarians.
  • Epics.
  • Poets.

Which is the first archaeological site in India?

Forest discovery site, between Delhi and Gurgaon, will now be protected.

What is the archaeological source of Indian history?

The archaeological source of Indian history is only about two centuries old. The archaeological source enhanced our knowledge about our past and also provided important materials, which we could not have been obtained otherwise. Up to 1920, Indian civilization was considered to have begun about 6th century B.C.

What are archaeological sources of history?

Ancient ruins, remains and monuments recovered as a result of excavation and exploration are archaeological sources of history. The archaeological remains are subjected to scientific examination of radio-carbon method for its dates. Archaeological sources give us some knowledge of the life of the ancient people.

Who started the work of archaeological work in India?

The work of archaeological work in India was started by the Europeans. Alexander Cunningham is said to be the father of Indian archeology for his invaluable contribution in the field of archeology. The oldest archive is the archive of Bogasskoyi of Central Asia.

What are the literary sources of ancient India?

Literary Sources: 1 Religious Literature:#N#History is not a record of only the rulers. It is mostly an account of the people’s life and… 2 Secular Literature:#N#There are many kinds of secular or non-religious literature. The law-books of ancient India known… 3 Accounts of Foreigners: More