What is a tin can Course?

Tin Can is an open source Application Programming Interface (API). It is sometimes referred to as Experience API and xAPI, offering an advanced way for programs and software to speak to each other and track all learning experiences.

What is a tin can module?

Tin Can API or xAPI is an advancement in the SCORM API. It defines standards for recording and tracking learners’ activities and experiences from an LMS and modules. It can track both online and offline activities. It can track simulations, group activities, games, conferences, mentoring, and many more.

Is Tin Can API the same as xAPI?

Tin Can, Experience API, xAPI – three names for the same thing. It’s all very confusing and can be frustrating so this page aims to help you understand. The short version is that it’s all the same thing, we call it Experience API or xAPI, but you can call it whichever you like!

Is Tin Can SCORM?

Tin Can just works more often for most customers in our experience. Better tracking. A big advantage of Tin Can is the breadth and depth of learning experiences it tracks. While SCORM is confined to tracking desktop courses, Tin Can is more suited to the current landscape, in which “learning happens everywhere”.

What is SCORM and Tin Can API?

Both SCORM and Tin Can – now more commonly known as xAPI – are communications protocols for tracking learning related activity. They provide a framework and structure to pass data and information between learning content and technologies.

What is SCORM and API?

The API is essentially a simple JavaScript object that presents all SCORM RTE functions for use. For example, a SCORM course will search for the API object, after which it will be able to call “save”, “get”, “start” and “exit” type commands.

What is xAPI used for?

The Experience API (or xAPI) is a new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline). This API captures data in a consistent format about a person or group’s activities from many technologies.

What is the difference between SCORM and xAPI?

When comparing xAPI vs. SCORM, the main difference is that xAPI allows the tracking of learning activity from multiple contexts online and offline, not just on the LMS. xAPI is fast becoming the new industry standard, challenging SCORM for dominance in the e-learning sphere.

How can I learn xAPI?

  1. Learn the basics of xAPI.
  2. Set up an LRS to receive statements (10 minutes)
  3. Create your test website (15 minutes)
  4. Modify code to connect your “local” website to the LRS and send statement (15 minutes)
  5. Trigger the statement through a learning event.
  6. Run a report on the statement.
  7. BOOM!

What is the difference between xAPI and API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a generic software term for the connection between different technical systems. Two software systems can share data with each other using APIs. The xAPI refers specifically to how learning activities should be reported between different technical systems.

What is replacing SCORM?

As the reigning alternative to SCORM, xAPI is the ‘future-proof’ option. xAPI is also more reliable than SCORM. It is a newer standard, which means it is built to adapt better with the current software.

What is better than SCORM?

As mentioned, xAPI enables you to capture a far richer picture of learning taking place than SCORM.

What is the Tin can API?

The Tin Can API—also known as the Experience API or xAPI—is a new standard for tracking and recording learning experiences. The current, and most popular, standard— SCORM —allows organizations to track online courses only.

Why is Tin can API better than SCORM?

Tin Can API offers granular details, for instance, on scenario-based training, and makes online learning far smarter than SCORM does. Reasons like these continue to reinforce the value of Tin Can for millions of users worldwide.

What is a tin can statement?

Recorded as Tin Can Statements, learning interactions, in their simplest form, are expressed as: “Subject” + “Verb” + “Object”. For example, John watched a video; John clicked on an image and so on. As an instructor, you can “form a complete picture of an individual’s learning experiences” with Tin Can API. Now, what does this mean?

Is there a tin can-compliant LMS?

When Tin Can first came out (version 1.0 was released in 2013), not many tools were compliant with it. This is no longer true today. There are many Tin Can-compliant LMSs, course authoring tools, and even native apps for mobile devices.