What is the latest Employment Relations Act in NZ?

The Employment Relations Act covers the basic principles governing the legal protections and obligations of both employers and employees in New Zealand. In April, it was modified by Order in Council as part of the Epidemic Preparedness Act. The main modification is the extension in timeframes for collective bargaining.

What is the purpose of the Employment Relations Act?

Employment Relations Act 2000 Provides the legal backdrop for all relationships between employees, employers and unions. Promotes the concepts of good faith and fair process. Promotes mediation as the first step when resolving employment relationship problems.

What are employee relations?

What is ’employee relations’? A definition. Put simply, ’employee relations’ (ER) is the term that defines the relationship between employers and employees. ER focuses both on individual and collective relationships in the workplace with an increasing emphasis on the relationship between managers and their team members …

What is employment NZ?

Employment New Zealand aims to support positive relationships between employers and employees, and to promote safe, fair and harmonious workplaces.

Who does the Employment Relations Act apply to?

The “employment relationships” to which the Employment Relations Act and in particular the duty to deal in good faith apply are those identified in s 4(2). They include the relationships between an employer and an employee, a union and an employer, and a union and its member or members.

What does Employment Relations Act 2004 cover?

The Employment Relations Act 2004 (c 24) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which amended UK law regarding trade union membership and industrial action. The Act also enabled the UK government to make funds available to trade unions and federations of trade unions to modernise their operations.

What are the main elements of the Labour Relations Act?


  • Employees’ right to freedom of association.
  • Protection of employees and persons seeking employment.
  • Employers’ right to freedom of association.
  • Protection of employers’ rights.
  • Rights of trade unions and employers’ organisations.
  • Procedure for disputes.
  • Burden of proof.

What does the Employment Relations Act 1999 cover?

to protect workers against discrimination by omission on the grounds of trade union membership or non-membership or trade union activities; to protect workers against blacklisting on the grounds of trade union membership or activities; and.

What are the rights of employees?

Workers’ rights encompass a large array of human rights from the right to decent work and freedom of association to equal opportunity and protection against discrimination. Specific rights related to the workplace include health and safety in the workplace and the right to privacy at work, amongst many others.

What is the basis of employment law in New Zealand?

Under New Zealand employment law, employers and employees both have rights and responsibilities. Your employer must treat you fairly, pay you at least the minimum wage set by the government, and meet their other employment law obligations. They must also make sure your workplace is safe.