What is the purpose of the Water Industry Act 1991?

National legislation The Water Industry Act 1991, which sets out the main powers and duties of the water and sewerage companies, thus replacing those set out in the Water Act 1989, and defined the powers of the Director General of Water Services (now the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat)).

What is the Clean water Act UK?

The Water Act 1973 created ten regional water authorities, covering England and Wales. They had responsibility for water supply, sewerage, sewage treatment, flood prevention, land drainage, the prevention of pollution, fisheries, and water abstraction.

What is controlled water?

Controlled waters: Controlled waters are defined as virtually all freshwater including relevant territorial waters (extending 3 miles seawards from baseline), coastal waters (water inland of baseline), inland waters, surface water, public supply reservoirs and groundwater.

What is Water Industry Act 1999?

It prohibits the disconnection of the water supply to homes for reasons of non-payment. It gives many water consumers new rights to choose the basis on which they are charged for water and sewerage services. It allows for rateable value to continue to be used as a basis of unmeasured charging after 31 March 2000.

What laws protect water sources in UK?

Water Resources Act 1991 Regulated water quality and prevention of water pollution. Created water pollution offences based on the polluter pays principle. Much of this is now covered by the Environmental Permitting Regulations.

What is the meaning of running water?

: water that comes into a building through pipes. a cabin with hot and cold running water.

Are rivers controlled waters?

Controlled Waters can be defined as the following: Rivers, streams, lakes, canals, coastal waters, estuaries and groundwater. This means all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.

Does Water Industry Act 1991 apply to Scotland?

The Act is in three parts. Part I relates to water charging in England and Wales and is based on a Government consultation document, ‘Water Charging in England and Wales: A New Approach’, published in April 1998. Part II relates to the water industry in Scotland and Part III contains supplemental provisions.

Is water pollution a criminal offence?

A. Pollution. It is an offence to commit any act, or omission which pollutes, or is likely to pollute a water resource. It is a crime to commit any act, or omission, which detrimentally affects (or is likely to affect) a water resource.

What are the amendments to the Water Resources Act 1991?

Amendment of the Water Resources Act 1991 3. (1) Section 93 (water protection zones) is amended as follows…. 4. Sections 94 and 95, subsection (2) of section 96 and…

What does the Environment Agency do under the Water Resources Act 1991?

Water Resources Act (WRA) 1991 as amended. The Act sets out the duties of the Environment Agency (EA) on flood defence and other areas relating to water management and quality: The EA has discretionary powers to improve and maintain river conditions. The EA is not obliged to construct or maintain such works.

What is the water regulator Act (WRA)?

The WRA sets out offences relating to water, discharge consents, and possible defences to the offences. The Environment Agency has the power to bring criminal charges against people or companies responsible for crimes concerning water.

What is Section 85 of the Water Resources Act?

Section 85 of the WRA is concerned with the offence of polluting controlled water. The purpose of the section is to impose criminal liability on those who pollute natural water resources.
