What is the scientific name of rhinoceros?

RhinocerotidaeRhinoceros / Scientific name

Which is the biggest rhino?

The greater one-horned rhino (or “Indian rhino”) is the largest of the rhino species. Once widespread across the entire northern part of the Indian sub-continent, rhino populations plummeted as they were hunted for sport or killed as agricultural pests.

How did white rhino get its name?

White rhinos are the second-largest land mammal and their name comes from the Afrikaan’s, a West Germanic language, word “weit” which means wide and refers to the animal’s mouth. Also known as the square-lipped rhinoceros, white rhinos have a square upper lip with almost no hair.

Is rhino and rhinoceros same?

Two Greek words, ‘rhino’ meaning nose and ‘ceros’ meaning horn combine to create the word rhinoceros, although rhinoceros is most commonly abbreviated to rhino.

How many species of rhinos exist?

five species
While nearly 100 known rhinoceros species have existed throughout the eons, there are currently five species of living rhinos. Two rhino species can be found in Africa and three species can be found in Asia. The two African species are the black rhino (Diceros bicornis) and the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum).

What is the heaviest hippo?

9,900 pounds
The largest hippo ever recorded was a captive in a zoo in Germany. The 16-foot giant weighed in at 9,900 pounds, essentially the weight of three Honda Accords smashed into one body!

What was the last white rhino’s name?

The rhino and the people who tried to save his species taught one photographer indelible lessons. Joseph Wachira, a keeper at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, says goodbye to Sudan, the last male northern white rhinoceros. Sudan died in 2018. Two females of the subspecies remain.

Why are there only 2 white rhinos left?

World’s rarest rhino There are now just two northern white rhinoceros remaining in the world. Najin and Fatu (both female) live under constant protection from poachers in Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Sudan (the last remaining male) died on March 19th 2018, effectively rendering the entire subspecies extinct.