What is the specific name of carrot?

Daucus carota
carrot, (Daucus carota), herbaceous, generally biennial plant of the Apiaceae family that produces an edible taproot. Among common varieties root shapes range from globular to long, with lower ends blunt to pointed.

What are f1 carrots?

The Flyaway Carrot is one of the best tasting vegetables to pick fresh from your garden. This variety has some resistance to the dreaded carrot-fly, but sow seed thinly to reduce the need for thinning as carrot-fly are attracted by the sweet smell.

What are bolero carrots?

Boleros are a beautiful deep oran… These well-bred new Nantes carrots have a slender, 6 to 7 inch long, perfectly cylindrical shape with blunt tips. Boleros are a beautiful deep orange with consistently sweet flavor and juicy brittle texture, perfect to harvest either full sized or as slim elegant baby carrots.

What are carrot Nantes?

Nantes carrots, botanically classified as Daucus carota subsp. Sativus, are edible, underground roots that grow tall, leafy stems and belong to the Apiaceae family. Also known as the Early Coreless carrot, Nantes carrots are an heirloom variety that was developed in France and were popular in the late 1800s.

What is the botanical name of radish?

Raphanus sativusRadish / Scientific name

radish, (Raphanus sativus), annual or biennial plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for its large succulent taproot.

Where is Daucus carota found?

(Apiaceae) Daucus carota is a variable, widespread species naturally distributed from the Atlantic coast of Britain and Ireland through Europe and the Mediterranean to Central Asia.

How do you plant a carrot flyaway in f1?

Growing Instructions: Sow sparingly direct into shallow drills and cover lightly with soil. Protect early and late sowings with cloches. Thin seedlings gradually until they are 5cm apart, watering beforehand to avoid disturbing nearby roots: larger thinnings can be eaten raw as baby carrots.

How long are Danvers carrots?

6-8″ long
Heirloom carrot developed in 1886. Market gardeners in Danvers, Massachusetts, developed this variety and shared it with Burpee in 1886. The root is a rich, dark orange and is 6-8″ long.

What are different types of carrots?

The Four Main Categories of Carrots

  • Danvers. When you think of a generic carrot, chances are you’re thinking of a Danvers type.
  • Nantes. As one might expect of an heirloom from France, Nantes carrots have a distinctive refined look.
  • Chantenay.
  • Purple Carrots.
  • Yellow Carrots.
  • White Carrots.

How many types of carrot are there?

There are estimated to be over 40 different varieties of carrots that fall into this type. Preferred varieties include ‘Napoli’, ‘Touchon’, ‘Napa’ and ‘White Satin.