What is the structure of the Book of Job?

The book falls into five sections: a prologue (chapters 1 and 2); the dialogue between Job and his friends (3–31); the speeches of Elihu (32–37); the speeches of Yahweh and Job’s reply (38–42:6); and an epilogue (42:7–17). The prologue and epilogue are the prose narrative.

What is the thesis of the Book of Job?

Abstract. The thesis is written in contrast to the conventional idea that the righteous is always rewarded and the wicked is always punished. It begins with an introduction about the development of the religious life of the Israelites in relation to the justice of God.

What is the significance of the Book of Job essay?

The debate presented in the book of Job between Job and his friends focuses on suffering and God’s justice. The debate ensues after job accuses God of bringing suffering and pain upon him despite his innocence. Job argues that God is unjust because he lets him suffer without a proper reason.

What are the themes of Job?

Book of Job Themes

  • Suffering and Divine Justice. The Bible’s Book of Job explores the question of why good people sometimes endure senseless suffering—particularly, why God seems to allow such suffering.
  • The Mystery of God.
  • Human Wisdom vs.
  • Faith in Suffering.

What was Job’s big question?

“Can mortals be righteous before God?” Eliphaz asks. Job’s brave answer to this question is: yes. Although the book as a whole appears to have a satisfyingly “religious” ending, Job’s basic contention, that he is innocent and did not deserve the suffering inflicted upon him, remains unresolved.

Why is Job a book of wisdom?

Job, Ecclesiastes and the Book of Proverbs belong to the genre of wisdom literature, sharing a perspective that they themselves call the “way of wisdom”. Wisdom means both a way of thinking and a body of knowledge gained through such thinking, as well as the ability to apply it to life.

What is the central idea of the Book of job?

Alongside other philosophical issues that the book explores, the suffering of the righteous is certainly central to this work. In a most masterful manner, the book of Job portrays, in a profoundly humane way, the nature of human suffering. The reader is allowed to listen in and watch a range of reactions to Job’s fast deteriorating fortune.

What type of literature is the Book of job?

Chapter 1 and 2 are written in prose. Job 3:1 through 42:6 is poetry that consists of a cycle of speeches between Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and later Elihu, followed by the dialogue between God and Job.

What happened to job in the Book of job?

In the epilogue, which is found in the last chapter of the book, Job acknowledges the justice of Yahweh and repents for all that he said in his own defense. After this admission, Yahweh recompenses Job by returning to him all the material wealth that was taken away from him and even doubling the amount of property Job originally possessed.

What is the exegetical question about the Book of job?

According to modern scholars, the chief exegetical question surrounding The Book of Job concerns its literary integrity. Commentators maintain that the prose prologue and epilogue contrast significantly with the poetic dialogue at the book’s center, suggesting that the book was written by more than one author.