What tense is Partirais?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Conditional
je pars partirais
tu pars partirais
il part partirait
nous partons partirions

What is the conjugation of partir?

Forms of Partir

Subject Pronoun Partir Conjugation Translation
je je pars I leave, I am leaving
tu tu pars You leave, you are leaving
il/elle/on il/elle/on part he/she leaves, he/she is leaving
nous nous partons we leave, we are leaving

Is partir être or avoir?

Then, there are a few other common verbs that form their perfect tense with être. They are: aller (to go) and venir (to come) arriver (to come, arrive; to happen) and partir (to leave, depart)

What is the past participle of partir?

The Past Participle of the French verb partir

Past Participle
parti left

How do I leave in French?

There are five different French verbs that mean “to leave.” They are partir, s’en aller, sortir, quitter, and laisser.

What is the meaning of partir?

British English: depart /dɪˈpɑːt/ VERB. To depart from a place means to leave it and start a journey to another place. Our flight departs at midday. American English: depart /dɪˈpɑrt/

Is partir a Vandertramp?

In fact, with a bit of fiddling about, we can reduce the Mrs Vandertramp verbs to a simple list of five, plus the related verbs to each of them. The verbs are Naître, Sortir, Partir, Aller and Monter.

What is Rentrer Tomber and Rester?

Rentrer (to go home/to return) Tomber (to fall) Rester (to remain) Arriver (to arrive)

What is the meaning of Sortir?

to get out, to go out
1) Sortir / Partir: Overview. Basically: Sortir = to get out, to go out (from somewhere) Partir = to leave (indefinitely)