Where do I put the AIS antenna?

Typically this antenna is mounted at the top of a mast, radar arch, flybridge, or another high point onboard where it has the greatest range and is more likely to receive weak signals.

How much is AIS system cost?

AIS receivers are built by all the major electronics manufacturers, plus a few specialty companies. Cost generally ranges between $200 and $400.

What is the range for AIS receiver?

15-20 nautical miles
Normally, an AIS-Receiving station using an external antenna placed 15 metres above sea level, will receive AIS information from AIS-equipped vessels that sail within a range of 15-20 nautical miles around it.

Do I need a special antenna for AIS?

Though the two frequencies are close, having an AIS antenna for your AIS system, will optimize performance. VHF antennas can work on AIS, yet the frequency of 162 MHz they will be operating at, is at the high end of the operable bandwidth of the antenna, where performance is not ideal.

Why do boats have two antennas?

The advantages of the dual antenna Not only does the installation of a second antenna give better readability to the AIS signal, but it can also serve as an emergency antenna for VHF. Just allow enough length behind the unit to disconnect the antenna from the AIS and connect it to the VHF.

What is the best placement of a VHF aerial?

For example, AMEC states in its CAMINO-108 manual, “… the VHF antenna should be placed as high as possible and at least 5 meters away from any constructions made of conductive materials.” Vesper recommends, “Mount the antenna as high as possible (at least 2-3 meters (6-10 ft) above the water surface) and as far as …

Are vessels allowed to sail without AIS?

Regulations for carriage of AIS The regulation requires AIS to be fitted aboard all ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages, cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages and all passenger ships irrespective of size.