Where is the underwater statues of slaves?

Grenada’s Underwater
Grenada’s haunting underwater sculpture park is a tribute to the nearly two million African slaves thrown into the sea during the transatlantic slave trade.

How many slaves are at the bottom of the ocean?

According to the group’s research, more than 12.5 million Africans were carried across the Atlantic on an estimated 40,000 slave-trading voyages between 1519 and 1865. At least 1.8 million perished under horrendous conditions on the two-month voyage and were thrown overboard.

Why were slaves brought to the Caribbean islands?

Africans were forcibly brought to British owned colonies in the Caribbean and sold as slaves to work on plantations. Those engaged in the trade were driven by the huge financial gain to be made, both in the Caribbean and at home in Britain.

Why was the burial at sea of those captives that died on the Middle Passage Additionally painful and traumatic for the slaves who survived these horrors?

Why was the burial at sea of those captives that died on the Middle Passage additionally painful and traumatic for the slaves who survived these horrors? The Survivors were prevented from performing mortuary rites and coping with the loss of life.

Who first brought African slaves to the Caribbean islands?

After the Caribbean was first colonised by Spain in the 15th century, a system of sugar planting and enslavement evolved. David Lambert explores how this system changed the region, and how enslaved people continued to resist colonial rule….An introduction to the Caribbean, empire and slavery.

Article written by: David Lambert
Published: 16 Nov 2017

Where did the slaves in Grenada come from?

It is believed that most of the slaves who were imported to Grenada embarked from Nigeria (specifically Igbo and Yoruba, more than 37,000, 34% of the enslaved people of the island) and Ghana (Fante people, more than 18,000, 19% of the enslaved people of the island).

Why was the burial at sea of those captives that died on the Middle Passage Additionally painful?