Did the bananas in Pajamas have names?

The main characters are two anthropomorphic bananas named B1 and B2. Other characters include the three teddy bears Amy, Lulu and Morgan, and Rat in a Hat.

What do Bananas in Pyjamas say?

They are exaggerated and naughty; and when they have a problem, they somewhat bump into each other (though a boing of a spring was heard in the original series), and after that, they say their catchphrase: B2: Are you thinking what I’m thinking, B1? B1: I think I am, B2! Both: It’s [Bananas ideas] Time!

What is the Rats name in Bananas in Pyjamas?

Rat is one of the main characters in Bananas in Pyjamas. He is the owner of Rat’s shop and a friend to B1 and B2. He is busy, clever, usually greedy, and sometimes bossy.

Are B1 and B2 siblings?

And because B1 and B2 are identical twins, it isn’t fair to let this episode pass without knowing what the other banana is up to. Short mentioned that he and Ashley, the person who played B2 have been in a loving relationship for a long time now.

Who plays B1 B2?

Australian actors Ken Radley (B1) and Nick Opolski (B2) share their recollections with ABC Canberra’s Lish Fejer of 10 years together as ‘The Fruit’.

What are banana rats?

Hutias are called banana rats because their bodily waste resembles little bananas. And the creatures are big – the size of small dogs. They can grow nearly two feet long and weigh up to 19 pounds. Some Cubans eat them. They are “often cooked in a large pot with wild nuts and honey,” according to Wikipedia.

Can you eat hutia?

It is considered one of the favorite foods of the African deity. Owing to its organoleptic properties, flavor and texture, it was popular among the people of Camagüey, who have a more deep-rooted tradition of eating hutia meat. This rodent, once skinned and cut up, is marinated in aromatic herbs and wine.

How big is a banana rat?

two feet long
Hutias are called banana rats because their bodily waste resembles little bananas. And the creatures are big – the size of small dogs. They can grow nearly two feet long and weigh up to 19 pounds.

What is a hutia in English?

Definition of hutia : any of several large edible hystricomorph rodents that constitute two West Indian genera (Capromys and Geocapromys) and a related South American genus (Procapromys), are closely related to the coypus, and are now extinct over much of their range.

What is Jutia in English?

Hutias (known in Spanish as jutía) are moderately large cavy-like rodents of the subfamily Capromyinae that inhabit the Caribbean Islands.