Does insurance cover Graston Technique?

Is Graston covered under insurance? The Graston Technique is covered when it is used in conjunction with your physical therapy program. Once you have completed your treatment, you also have the option to receive this beneficial treatment on a self-pay basis.

How much is a graston session?

A single Graston Technique treatment can add a $35 fee to a single treatment for the first treatment, and $15 for additional sequenced treatments. The treatment is best performed in packages, and if you can commit to a three-treatment sequence, over time those treatments work out to $22 each.

Is Graston Technique legitimate?

Unfortunately, there’s no good evidence yet that ART or Graston (or any soft-tissue manipulation therapy) can influence the microscopic structure of a healing tendon or muscle in an athlete.

Does chiropractor do Graston Technique?

The Graston Technique is often practiced by chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and some licensed massage therapists and athletic trainers.

Does Medicare pay for myofascial release?

Most patients and massage therapists are not aware of the fact that “massage therapy” and/or “manual therapy techniques/myofascial release” is a covered service by most insurers, including Medicare and self-insured employer plans which fall under the Federal guidelines of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) …

What does graston technique do?

The Graston technique uses a stainless-steel instrument and special massage method to identify areas of muscle adhesion, or scar-like tissue, that can be improved. A healthcare provider uses the instrument and massage in combination to stretch and relax the muscle tissues.

Is graston better than massage?

Greater Efficiency The Graston tools allow greater efficiency and consistency, which means quicker results, thus allowing the provider to move on to other areas on the body that need treatment. This helps lead to superior and faster recovery times as well being able to see more patients overall.

Can you graston yourself?

Self-treating with the wrong tools and without expert help can cause more harm than good. I have seen patients try to perform a Graston-like technique at home using butter knives or wrenches. Unfortunately, they often apply too much pressure or target the wrong areas, making the problem worse.

How often should you graston?

How frequently Graston treatments are recommended can vary based on your individual presentation, goals, and your therapist’s assessment. Most typically this treatment is done 1-2x/week with a minimum of 48 hours in between sessions.