Does Thrall know Durotan is his father?

Thrall doesn’t reveal that he’s Durotan’s son. He does know that Draka and Durotan are his parents. Draka tells him he should find a wife and settle down.

Is Thrall Durotan son?

Character overview Within series lore, Thrall is the son of Durotan, former chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, who refused to drink the Blood of Mannoroth and was killed by agents of the orc warlock Gul’dan.

Who was Thrall raised by?

Blackmoore returned with Thrall to his fortress, Durnholde Keep, raising him as a gladiator with all the savagery of an orc, but with the keen strategic intellect of a human. He was trained and taught by many, wet-nursed by a human woman, and grew to befriend her daughter, Taretha Foxton.

Is Thrall related to Draka?

Durotan and Draka’s murder Draka birthed Thrall, child of Durotan, shortly before joining her chieftain on his excursion to the southern lands to meet with their old comrade Orgrim Doomhammer.

Who taught Thrall fight?

Thrall learned to read and write from a tutor who was kind to him, and at age six, abruptly began his training in combat. His trainer, a man simply called Sergeant, taught him of mercy and also treated him with as much kindness as he could when Blackmoore wasn’t present.

Is Thrall Horde or Alliance?


Thrall / Go’el
Class Shaman, Warrior Far seer
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Nation of Durotar, Orgrimmar, Horde, Horde Council, Frostwolf clan, Frostwolf Orcs, Earthen Ring

Where is Thrall in Shadowlands?

After the end of the war, Thrall was captured along other leaders of both factions by the Mawsworn, and was sent into the Shadowlands where he was tormented within Torghast….Thrall.

Thrall / Go’el
Affiliation(s) Nation of Durotar, Orgrimmar, Horde, Horde Council, Frostwolf clan, Frostwolf Orcs, Earthen Ring

Why did Thrall lose Doomhammer?

TL;DR: Thrall lost his powers of the elements because he thought he was fighting for and honorable cause and that the Horde was a noble group of savages, but after MoP and WoD he realized that he was wrong, and as his beliefs crumble, so does his powers of the elements.