How do I write a Freedom of Information request?

For your request to be dealt with according to the Freedom of Information Act, you must:

  1. contact the relevant authority directly;
  2. make the request in writing, for example in a letter or an email.
  3. give your real name; and.
  4. give an address to which the authority can reply.

What is an information Request form?

An information request form is used by a variety of industries to collect and answer requests. Whether you need an easier way to accept requests and questions from customers, students, or coworkers, our free Information Request Forms will simplify communication by reducing back-and-forth emails.

How do you write an FOI?

You must make a Freedom of Information ( FOI ) request in writing….You should give:

  1. your name (not needed if you’re asking for environmental information)
  2. a contact postal or email address.
  3. a detailed description of the information you want – for example, you might want all information held on a subject, or just a summary.

Does a freedom of information request have to be in writing?

For a request to be valid under the Freedom of Information Act it must be in writing, but requesters do not have to mention the Act or direct their request to a designated member of staff.

What is the legal position on access to and disclosure of information?

1.1 The Constitution It is in this regard that section 32(1) of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution, provides for the right of access to information held by the state; and any information held by another person that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.

Is there a charge for Freedom of Information requests?

Introduction. This Policy is based on the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. Generally, the Commission will provide information to you free of charge, wherever possible, when you request it.

What are the forms of information?

There are four types of information:

  • Factual. Factual information is information that solely deals with facts.
  • Analytical. Analytical information is the interpretation of factual information.
  • Subjective. Subjective information is information from only one point of view.
  • Objective.

What FOI means?

Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information (FOI) is a concept that broadly refers to the principle that individuals and the public at-large have the right to access information that is pertinent to their interests.

How long do you have to respond to an FOI?

20 working days
You normally have 20 working days to respond to a request. For a request to be valid under the Freedom of Information Act it must be in writing, but requesters do not have to mention the Act or direct their request to a designated member of staff.