Is getting a 2.2 degree bad?

Probably not, you still have a degree. It’s pretty bad though as you are competing with grads with 2:1 for good jobs. You can hustle to work on your CV and gain skills in the next few years, but opportunities would come as easily as someone with a 2:1 or 1st.

Can I transfer with a 2.2 GPA?

A 2.2 GPA is not that far from a 2.5, a GPA that offers a lot more options for college. From there, 3.0 is a realistic goal with some hard work! After establishing a good GPA during those two years, you’ll be a prime candidate for transfer to a 4-year college or university.

What grade is an 80%?

How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3

How many credits make up an undergraduate degree?

120 credits

How are undergraduate dissertations marked?

Typically dissertations are blind double marked. So that each marker judges the work independently and only then discusses with a colleague, the definitive mark to be awarded.

Is a 2 1 A good degree?

Although there’s been a bit of grade inflation, a first or 2:1 are both considered very good degrees. UK Universities generally look for 2:1 or a first to go on for a PhD. A 2:2 is a very respectable degree, a third, well it’s stil an honours degree. A few people get non-honours pass degrees.

What is 50% as a grade?

Letter Grade Percentage Range Mid-Range
D+ 55% to 59% 57.5%
D 50% to 54% 52.5%
E 40% to 49% 45%
F 0% to 39% 20%

What is a 2.2 equivalent to?

Lower Second-Class Honours (50-60%): a 2.2 or two-two is the lower level of the second class degree. Third-Class Honours (40-50%): known as a ‘third’ or 3rd, this degree is the lowest honours degree achievable.