What are Icelandic girl names?

Most Common Icelandic Girl Names

  • Guðrún.
  • Anna.
  • Kristín.
  • Sigríður.
  • Margrét.
  • Helga.
  • Sigrún.
  • Ingibjörg.

What is the most popular girl name in Iceland?

Most common female names in Iceland 2019 In 2019, the most popular name was Guðrún, with 4,656 individuals bearing the name. Anna and Kristín were the second and third most common female names during the time under consideration.

What can you name your baby in Iceland?

In Iceland, the letter C is not included in the Icelandic alphabet, so any name that begins with it is not allowed. That rule meant that Jon Gnarr, the former mayor of Reykjavik, was prevented from calling his daughter Camilla, which he called an “unfair, stupid law against creativity.”

What are common Icelandic names?

The top 5 most common Icelandic names for women are Guðrún, Anna, Kristín, Sigríður, and Margrét. The top 5 most common names for boys are Jón, Sigurður, Guðmundur, Gunnar, and Ólafur. An internationally friendly name for a boy is Ari, which means eagle and Karitas for a girl, which means love.

What is the most common name in Iceland?

What is the most common male names in Iceland? In 2019, the most popular name was Jón, with 5,177 individuals having the name. Sigurður and Guðmundur were the second and third most common male names during the time under consideration. By comparison, Guðrún was the most common female name that same year.

How do Icelanders get their last name?

Generally, with few exceptions, a person’s last name indicates the first name of their father (patronymic) or in some cases mother (matronymic) in the genitive, followed by -son (“son”) or -dóttir (“daughter”).

What is the most common Icelandic name?

The most common name among Icelandic men is Jón, followed by Sigurður and Guðmundur. For women, Guðrún is the most common name, followed by Anna and Kristín.

Why can’t you name your baby Harriet in Iceland?

Similarly, names unable to accommodate the endings required by the nominative, accusative, genitive and dative cases used in Icelandic are also routinely turned down. “That was the problem with Harriet,” said Cardew. “It can’t be conjugated in Icelandic.”

Why is the name Harriet illegal in Iceland?

They shall be written in accordance with the ordinary rules of Icelandic orthography unless another orthography is established by tradition” (Art. 5). Turns out this is why you cannot be named Harriet in Iceland although it’s a perfectly acceptable name for any other Scandinavian country. Harriet cannot be conjugated.

What is the nickname of Iceland?

the land of fire and ice
So, in a nutshell, the reason why Iceland gets the nickname of ‘the land of fire and ice’ is simply down to the volcanic and glacial terrains that continue to shape Iceland’s nature as well as heavily influencing Iceland’s culture.

What is the most popular Icelandic name?

The most common name among Icelandic men is Jón, followed by Sigurður and Guðmundur. For women, Guðrún is the most common name, followed by Anna and Kristín.

How many Icelandic names are there?

Moreover, Icelanders who are officially registered as non-binary will be permitted to use the gender-neutral suffix -bur (“child”) instead of -son or -dóttir. As of the end of 2012, the Personal Names Register (Mannanafnaskrá) contained 1,712 male names and 1,853 female names.