What does the reticular theory propose?

Reticular theory is an obsolete scientific theory in neurobiology that stated that everything in the nervous system, such as brain, is a single continuous network. The concept was postulated by a German anatomist Joseph von Gerlach in 1871, and was most popularised by the Nobel laureate Italian physician Camillo Golgi.

What is the cough reflex pathway?

Each cough occurs through the stimulation of a complex reflex arc. This is initiated by the irritation of cough receptors which are found in the trachea, main carina, branching points of large airways, and more distal smaller airways; also, they are present in the pharynx.

Who introduced concept of synapse?

The real starting point in our history of the synapse took place a hundred and twenty-seven years later when Luigi Galvani (1791) published his paper De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari. Commentarius.

What are the types of neurons and their functions?

In terms of function, scientists classify neurons into three broad types: sensory, motor, and interneurons.

  • Sensory neurons. Sensory neurons help you:
  • Motor neurons. Motor neurons play a role in movement, including voluntary and involuntary movements.
  • Interneurons.

What is the difference between the reticular theory and the neuron doctrine?

Advocates of the neuron doctrine claimed that the nervous system was composed of discrete cellular units. Proponents of the alternative reticular theory, on the other hand, argued that the entire nervous system was a continuous network of cells, without gaps or synapses between the cells.

What is the reticular activating system?

The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns.

What are the 4 phases of cough?

As shown in Figure 40-1, there are four distinct phases to a normal cough: irritation, inspiration, compression, and expulsion. In the initial irritation phase, an abnormal stimulus provokes sensory fibers in the airways to send impulses to the medullary cough center in the brain.

What are two types of receptors involved in the cough reflex?

The epithelium of the larynx, trachea, and larger bronchi contains sensory nerves that are responsible for cough. Their two main categories are rapidly adapting receptors (RARs) and C fiber receptors. Both types’ respond to a wide variety of mechanical and chemical irritants.

Who discovered neurotransmitters?

Otto Loewi
Discovery of Neurotransmitters In 1921, an Austrian scientist named Otto Loewi discovered the first neurotransmitter. In his experiment (which came to him in a dream), he used two frog hearts. One heart (heart #1) was still connected to the vagus nerve.

¿Cómo se produce el mecanismo del arco reflejo?

Para que se produzca el mecanismo del arco reflejo es necesario la participación conjunta de tres componentes diferentes, pero que se relacionan con el estímulo que va a provocar la respuesta de se estimulo. Estos son los receptores, las neuronas y los efectores.

¿Cuáles son las estructuras fundamentales del arco reflejo?

Las estructuras fundamentales del arco reflejo son: 1 Los receptores 2 Las fibras nerviosas aferentes o sensitivas 3 Las fibras nerviosas eferentes o motoras 4 Los efectores

¿Qué son los arcos reflejos?

Normalmente, los arcos reflejos son compuestos o polisinápticos; es decir, su circuito está compuesto de varias conexiones sinápticas.

¿Cuáles son los órganos efectores del arco reflejo?

Los órganos efectores constituyen el último componente del arco reflejo. Son las estructuras encargadas de ejecutar la respuesta automática e involuntaria que proviene de los centros nerviosos de la médula espinal.