What is a benefit of YANG modules?

Product and Release Support. close. YANG data models comprise modules and submodules and can define configuration and state data, notifications, and RPCs for use by NETCONF-based operations. A YANG module defines a data model through its data, and the hierarchical organization of and constraints on that data.

What is YANG IETF?

YANG Overview YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration, state data, and administrative actions manipulated by the NETCONF protocol. YANG was originally published as RFC 6020 in September 2010. Based on real-world user experience, the original RFC was updated to YANG 1.1 in RFC 7950 in August 2016.

What is YANG data modeling?

YANG is a data modeling language for the NETCONF configuration management protocol. Together, NETCONF and YANG provide the tools that network administrators need to automate configuration tasks across heterogeneous devices in a software-defined network (SDN).

What is Yin module?

YIN is an equivalent XML syntax for YANG. ❑ YANG module can be translated into YIN, manipulated by. XML tools and translated back into YANG without loosing any. information. YANG(YIN(M)) == M.

What are two benefits of YANG?


  • YANG has been widely adopted by key standards bodies (such as IETF and ONF) to produce a broad range of rich YANG models.
  • YANG models both the configuration and state of key layers of network.
  • Properitary extensions are required less frequently, resulting in easier multi-vendor interoperability.

What is leaf list in YANG?

Instances of schema trees are called data trees and are encoded in XML. YANG provides two constructs to specify leaf nodes: leaf and leaf-list statements. They differ in that a leaf node has at most one instance, while a leaf-list node may have multiple instances.

What are the two benefits of YANG?

What is YANG in 5G?

YANG (RFC 7950) is a modelling language that is used by xRAN to model the configuration and operational state of its 5G Radio Unit, together with defining remote procedure calls (RPCs) for supporting tasks like software management, and notifications for indicating xRAN defined alarms.

What is difference between YANG and Yaml?

YANG (Yet Another Next Generation) is different from YAML, XML, and JSON. YANG is a data modeling language used to define data. YANG defines data schemas that formats like XML or JSON must follow.

What is Yin Yoga Josh Summers?

About Yin Yoga Yin Yoga is a complementary yoga practice to the more dynamic and invigorating yoga styles that are predominant today. In Yin Yoga, floor postures are held passively for several minutes in order to access a safe and positive ‘stress’ on the deep layers of connective tissue in the body.

Which data encoding formats can be used with Restconf choose two?

RESTCONF—Uses structured data (XML or JSON) and YANG to provide a REST-like APIs, enabling you to programmatically access different network devices. RESTCONF APIs use HTTPs methods.


NETCONF-YANG is a data model of NETCONF. It is responsible for the content layer of the NETCONF hierarchical protocol framework. A YANG model helps in receiving and delivering the configuration between a client and a server.

How to identify available modules in YANG/NETCONF?

Normal YANG/NETCONF mechanisms, together with the required YANG library [RFC7895]instance, can be used to identify the available modules. Each supported module will be presented as a top level module. Only LNE associated resources will be reflected in resource related modules, e.g., interfaces, hardware, and perhaps QoS.

What is the Yang module?

YANG Module This YANG module imports a feature and typedefs from [ RFC8641] and also imports the “ietf-system-capabilities” specified in this document. ¶

Does it contain Yang library and interfaces?

It SHALL always contain a YANG library and interfaces instance.

What is a Yang [rfc6020] module?

This document defines a YANG [RFC6020]module to support the creation of logical network elements on a network device. A logical network element (LNE) is an independently managed virtual device made up of resources allocated to it from the host or parent network device.