What is a Doppler ankle arm index?

The ankle brachial index, or ABI, is a simple test that compares the blood pressure in the upper and lower limbs. Health care providers calculate ABI by dividing the blood pressure in an artery of the ankle by the blood pressure in an artery of the arm. The result is the ABI.

How is the ankle brachial index test done?

The ankle-brachial index test compares the blood pressure measured at your ankle with the blood pressure measured at your arm. A low ankle-brachial index number can indicate narrowing or blockage of the arteries in your legs. You may have ankle-brachial index testing before and immediately after walking on a treadmill.

What is the normal range for ankle brachial index?

The normal range for the ankle-brachial index is between 0.90 and 1.30. An index under 0.90 means that blood is having a hard time getting to the legs and feet: 0.41 to 0.90 indicates mild to moderate peripheral artery disease; 0.40 and lower indicates severe disease.

Is ABPI same as Doppler?

The ABPI is the ratio of the ankle systolic blood pressure to the brachial systolic blood pressure and can be measured using a sphygmomanometer and a hand held Doppler device [SIGN, 2010]. It is the most reliable way to detect arterial insufficiency.

What are the symptoms of blocked arteries in the legs?

What Are the Symptoms of a Blocked Artery in Your Leg?

  • Painful cramping in one or both of your hips, thighs, or calf muscles after doing physical activities, such as walking or climbing stairs.
  • Prolonged soreness on your feet, legs, and toes that don’t heal or are very slow to heal.
  • Discoloration of legs.

How do you perform a Doppler assessment?

Place the Doppler probe on the pulse to be used and locate the clearest audible pulsatile sound again. Inflate the blood pressure cuff until the pulsatile sounds disappears. Slowly deflate the cuff and wait until the pulsatile sound reappears. Note this value down.

How do you undertake a Doppler?

Hold 8MHz Doppler probe gently over the brachial pulse until a good signal is obtained The best Doppler signal will be obtained with the probe at an angle between 45 – 60° to the artery. The artery may not be parallel to the skin and adjustment of the probe may be required to obtain a good signal.