What is chelation reaction?

Chelation is the reaction between a metal ion and an organic complexing agent resulting in the formation of a ring structure that encompasses the metal ion and removes it (Olson, 2004). Dissolved organic molecules bind to metals in solution or on the surface of minerals.

What causes the chelate effect?

The main cause of the chelate effect is the effect of reaction entropy when the complex is formed. Thus, the reaction [Cu(OH2)6]2++en → [Cu(en)(OH2)4+2H2O results in a net increase in the number of molecules (from 2 to 3).

What is meant by chelation give an example?

The chelate effect explains the enhanced affinity of chelating ligands for central metal ion or atom compared to the affinity of nonchelating monodentate ligands for the same metal. Examples: [Co(en)3]3+ is more stable than [Co(NH3)6]3+ where Ethylenediamine (en) is an example of a bidentate ligand.

How does chelation increase entropy?

When a chelating ligand replaces several monodentate ligands, the result is an increase in the number of free molecules in the system, meaning a relatively large increase in entropy. This is the major energetic factor driving the chelate effect.

Does chelation increase solubility?

The overall importance of chelates is their ability to increase the solubility of ions.

What do you mean by chelating agent?

(KEE-lay-ting AY-jent) A chemical compound that binds tightly to metal ions. In medicine, chelating agents are used to remove toxic metals from the body. They are also being studied in the treatment of cancer.

How does chelation increase stability?

Chelates are more stable than nonchelated compounds of comparable composition and the more extensive the chelation, that is, the larger the number of ring closures to a metal atom, the more stable the compound. This phenomenon is called the chelate effect.

What is chelate effect give its thermodynamic origin?

The chelate effect or chelation may simply be defined as an equilibrium reaction between the complexing agent and a metal ion, characterized by the formation of two or more bonds between metal and the complexing agent, resulting in the formation of a ring structure including the metal ion.

What is chelate effect in coordination chemistry?

The Chelate Effect is that complexes resulting from coordination with the chelating ligand is much more thermodynamically stable than complexes with non-chelating ligands. A number of points should be highlighted from the formation constants in Table E4.

What is chelating agent in chemistry?

Listen to pronunciation. (KEE-lay-ting AY-jent) A chemical compound that binds tightly to metal ions. In medicine, chelating agents are used to remove toxic metals from the body.

What is entropy effect?

The acceleration of a reaction that occurs when reactive groups are constrained in a productive orientation, either intermolecularly as on an enzyme surface, or intramolecularly as in a model compound.

How does chelate effect stabilize the complex?

3.3 The chelate effect The chelate effect is that the complexes resulting from coordination of metal ions with the chelating ligand are thermodynamically much more stable than the complexes with non-chelating ligands [10, 11].