What is vasubandhu best known for?

Vasubandhu is said to have been the author of one thousand works, 500 in the Hinayana tradition and 500 Mahayana treatises. But only forty-seven works of Vasubandhu are extant, nine of which survive in the Sanskrit original, twenty-seven in Chinese translation, and thirty-three in Tibetan translation.

Who wrote Abhidharma?

Its author, Vasubandhu, who lived in the 4th or 5th century in the northwestern part of India, wrote the work while he was still a monk of the Sarvastivada (Doctrine That All Is Real) order, before he embraced Mahayana, on whose texts he was later to write a number of commentaries.

What two major philosophical issues were the Abhidharma schools most concerned with?

What two major philosophical issues were the Abhidharma schools most concerned with? The nature of things of this world, and the nature of consciousness and knowledge of this world.

What is the true nature of things according to Yogâcâra?

The central thesis in the Yogācāra philosophy, the theory of the two truths echoes is the assertion that all that is conventionally real is only ideas, representations, images, creations of the mind, and that there is no conventionally real object that exists outside the mind to which it corresponds.

How many Brahma are there in the world?

In Theravāda Buddhism, the brahma-loka is said to consist of 20 separate heavens: the lower 16 are material worlds (rūpa-brahma-loka) inhabited by progressively more radiant and subtle gods, the remaining 4 higher realms are devoid of substance and form and are said to constitute the arūpa-brahma-loka.

How many Kama Loka are there?

Six lokas. In the Tibetan and Tantric schools, “Six Lokas” refers to a Bönpo and Nyingmapa spiritual practice or discipline that works with chakras and the six dimensions or classes of beings in the Bhavachakra. In Buddhist cosmology Kama-Loka, Rupa-Loka, Arupa-Loka has interpreted.