What method of fishing is illegal in The Bahamas?

Sport fishermen visiting The Bahamas are limited to angling with a hook and line held in the hand or attached to a rod and reel. The fisheries regulations prohibit sport fishers from the use of a spear, trap or net (other than a landing net), unless such use is specifically authorized.

Is bonefish illegal in The Bahamas?

The Department of Marine Resources wishes to remind the public that the netting (hauling) of bonefish is illegal in The Bahamas. The public is further advised that it is illegal to buy or sell bonefish in The Bahamas.

Is spearfishing legal in Bahamas?

In the Bahamas, spearguns are not allowed. We use one of two things instead: A pole spear or a Hawaiian sling. Pole spears and Hawaiian slings are somewhat similar in that they both make use of a sling to fire the spear shaft, but there are some differences in their appearance and how they are operated.

Are there regulations on conch fishing in The Bahamas?

The Bahamas has some of the laxest conch fishing regulations in the Caribbean. There is a ban on using scuba to fish for conch, as well as export quotas and a network of marine protected areas that prohibit fishing.

What kind of fishing can you do in The Bahamas?

Blue and White Marlin, Sailfish, and Tuna are all there for the taking. The island Exuma also boasts good flats fishing. The Tongue of the Ocean: Often shortened to TOTO, this is a long trench of deep water between Andros and Nassau. It’s completely sheltered by reefs and shoals.

Can you keep marlin in Bahamas?

Catch and release is strongly encouraged. Unless you are fishing in an approved tournament, all billfish (Marlin, Sailfish, or Swordfish) caught must be returned to the sea unharmed. Visitors to The Bahamas are not allowed to sell or trade any fishery products.

Is shark fishing illegal in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas has banned shark fishing in its waters and prohibited the sale, import and export of shark products. The new law will effectively turn all 630,000 sq km (243,000 square miles) of the nation’s territorial waters into a shark sanctuary.

Are conchs protected?

As an endangered species, it’s prohibited to fish or gather conch in the United States. Queen Conch are protected under the CITES Treaty, and as such exporting the animal (or the shell) requires a permit. In the early 1990s, 16 Caribbean countries exported conch to the United States.

Are lemon sharks protected in The Bahamas?

While lemon sharks are protected from fishing in Bimini by the Bahamian Shark Sanctuary, once they swim out of The Bahamas they are at risk.

Can you hunt sharks in The Bahamas?

Can you fly fish in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas has been a fly-fishing mecca for decades. And for good reason. Its tropical climate, fun-loving people, and laid-back pace continue to draw traveling anglers from around the globe, who flock to its flats for some spectacular bonefishing.

What are the fishing regulations in the Bahamas?

Fishing Regulations for The Bahamas. It is illegal to use any type of underwater air supply for spear fishing or collecting of any marine life. This includes scuba gear as well as air compressors. Spearfishing is restricted to free divers only and only with the use of a Hawaiian sling. It is illegal to take coral, tropical fish or sea fans.

Can I use a fishing net in the Bahamas?

Visitors to The Bahamas are not allowed to sell or trade any fishery products. This constitutes commercial fishing and would be a serious violation of the law. The use of a net must be specifically authorized. If you wish to use a cast net to gather bait, you must specify that you want to use this kind of gear on the permit application form.

Can I fish in the Bahamas as a permanent resident?

You still need to obtain a sport fishing permit to use any foreign owned vessel for fishing. The catch limits that apply to visitors however, do not apply to permanent residents. As is the case for a Bahamian citizen, your catch cannot exceed 250 pounds. Doing so will put you in the commercial fishing category.

Can I sell or trade fishing products in the Bahamas?

Visitors to The Bahamas are not allowed to sell or trade any fishery products. This constitutes commercial fishing and would be a serious violation of the law. The use of a net must be specifically authorized.