Can drider be male?

A male drider with a cluster of spiderlings. Driders naturally developed a venom that could sap their victims’ strength and paralyze them for upwards of twenty minutes. They could deliver the venom with a bite, or they could alternatively use it as a sticky coating on their weapons. They were immune to all poisons.

What is a drider?

drider (plural driders) (fantasy) A monstrous hybrid of a drow or other dark elf and a spider, with a humanoid (vertical) upper body and an arachnid opisthosoma forming the (horizontal) lower part.

How big is a drider?

Driders are taller than humans, thanks to their giant arachnid lower half, standing roughly 7 feet tall. Their arachnid lower half extends back four to five feet.

Why is being a drider a punishment?

Being turned into a drider was originally a punishment that remarkable drow were inflicted if they failed a loyalty test (assuming that they didn’t choose and manage to get away from Lolth, or devoted themselves to another deity in the Dark Seldarine, or in whatever other pantheon).

What is an ettercap?

Ettercap is a free and open source network security tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on a LAN. It can be used for computer network protocol analysis and security auditing. It runs on various Unix-like operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and Solaris, and on Microsoft Windows.

Can a drider reproduce?

It is assumed they are a female-only race by their perceived means of reproduction. By reproducing with a male (humans certainly, if this works with other races it is not known) non-arachnid, they enter a reproduction cycle that produces a daughter appearing more humanoid in appearance.

How much does a drider weigh?

The blessed of the Spider Queen, gifted with spydric stature.

Average Height: 6’4”–7’0”
Average Weight: 230–270 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma or +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares, Climb (spider climb) 6 squares

How heavy is a drider?

A typical dryer weighs between 150 and 200 pounds.

How do Driders eat?

Driders are carnivorous opportunistic eaters, they usually have two meals a day, but can go a week without eating. They eat only live pray this is why they paralyze their pray rather than kill them. They will often eat other Driders, if no other pray is available.

Can Ettercaps speak?

Ettercaps possessed a fairly simple, spider-derived language of their own. It was focused around basic and real-world concepts, not equipped for the discussion of abstract ideas. They were capable of understanding other languages, such as elven, but could not speak them due to lacking the right vocal cords.

How do Driders mate?

In the case of mating with a human, the drider effectively copies her own DNA against that of a male as happens in gestation for most sexual creatures; however, in the case of the drider she replicates her consciousness as part of the coding for her gamete.

What is a Dr drider?

Driders are drowwho have failed Lolth’s trials and were both blessed and cursed with a new, spider-like form. They possess the upper bodies of drow, and the lower bodies of giant spiders.

What does a drider look like?

A male drider’s lower body is bulky like a tarantula, while its upper body is wiry and bears a hideous face more spider than drow, complete with fanged mandibles.

How dangerous is a drider?

A male drider with a cluster of spiderlings. Driders naturally developed a venom that could sap their victims’ strength and paralyze them for upwards of twenty minutes. They could deliver the venom with a bite, or they could alternatively use it as a sticky coating on their weapons.

What is a drider in Harry Potter?

Driders were drow that had been transformed from the waist down so they had the body of a spider. The transformation was typically a punishment for failing a test of Lolth. I failed the Spider Queen once. Never again. — Pellanistra the drider. Driders were created from drow in an agonizing process.