How do I view comments in Oracle?

You can view the comments on a particular table or column by querying the data dictionary views USER_TAB_COMMENTS , DBA_TAB_COMMENTS , or ALL_TAB_COMMENTS or USER_COL_COMMENTS , DBA_COL_COMMENTS , or ALL_COL_COMMENTS . Specify the name of the operator to be commented.

How do I see the comments in a table?

To view table comment select table and go to Details tab. Scroll down to the last attribute called Comments.

How do I show comments in SQL?

Comments Within SQL Statements

  1. Begin the comment with a slash and an asterisk (/*). Proceed with the text of the comment. This text can span multiple lines.
  2. Begin the comment with — (two hyphens). Proceed with the text of the comment. This text cannot extend to a new line.

What is the shortcut for comment in Oracle SQL?

In SQL Developer you can comment a line or a block using “Source -> Toggle Line Comments” (Ctrl-Slash), but it would be nice to have a button that allows you to do it not only for line or block, but also for a part of a line.

What is comment on view?

Adds, revises, or removes a comment on a view. Each object can have one comment. Comments are stored in the system table COMMENTS .

What is SQL Injection in Oracle?

Description SQL injection occurs when unexpected text is “injected” into your dynamically-constructed SQL statement, creating a substantial security issue in your application. Remember: injection can only occur when you concatenate chunks of text.

What is comment on column?

Adds, revises, or removes a projection column comment. You can only add comments to projection columns, not to table columns. Each object can have one comment. Comments are stored in the system table COMMENTS .

How do you see table comments in Toad?

To view column comments expand Column and Comments options and select Show column comments in grid. Now column lists contains also Comments column. To edit comments expand Column and Comments options and select: Show table comments – at the bottom will appear table comment.

Are there comments in SQL?

In SQL, you can comment your code just like any other language. Comments can appear on a single line or span across multiple lines. Let’s explore how to comment your SQL statements.

What is the shortcut to comment multiple lines in SQL?

Commenting and Uncommenting Code in SQL Server Management Studio. To comment out lines of code in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Query Window, select lines of code you want to comment out and hit the keyboard shortcut ‘CTRL+K’ followed by ‘CTRL+C’.

What is the shortcut for commenting multiple lines in SQL Developer?

In SQL Developer, I highlight all lines of PL/SQL that I want commented and use Ctrl + / . Obviously, you would like a way to comment and uncomment multiple lines quickly. This will put — in front of each line you have highlighted. Do the same command to uncomment.