How do you use Envoyer in French?


  1. J’ envoie. beaucoup. d’ e. – mails. tous. les. jours. . I send a lot of emails every day.
  2. Elle. envoie. une. lettre. . She is sending a letter.
  3. Envoie. – lui. vite. un. e-mail. pour. tout. lui. raconter. . Quickly send her an email to tell her everything.

Is Envoyer an irregular verb French?

Envoyer (“to send, send off, dispatch, remit, throw”) is a stem-changing verb with an irregular future stem.

What is voir in present tense?

Voir in the Present Tense In the present tense, voir has two radicals: voi- and voy-. je. vois. (zhuh-vwah) tu.

Is apprendre regular?

Apprendre, which commonly means “to learn,” is a frequently used irregular French -re verb. Irregular verbs do not follow regular conjugation patterns, but some verbs within an irregular verb group can share a conjugation pattern with at least one other verb.

What is a synonym for envoyer in French?

Synonyms for the verb envoyer. actionner, activer, adresser, balancer, battre, bénéficier, coller, décocher, déléguer, dépêcher, détacher, éjecter, expédier, flanquer, jeter, jouir, lâcher, lancer, mandater, mander. Verbs having a similar conjugation to envoyer.

What does envoyer des Fleurs mean in French?

envoyer des fleurs à quelqu’un > send flowers to someone / give someone a pat on the back Il le lui a envoyé dans les dents (familier) ou gencives. > He really let him have it. Je m’enverrais des gifles ou (familier) baffes ! (pronominal) > I could kick myself!

What is the difference between renvoyer and envoyer?

The verbs envoyer and renvoyer differ from other verbs in -yer by future tense and conditional present formation: il aboiera, il aboierait but il enverra, il enverrait. envoyer verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons.

How do you conjugate envoyer?

How to Conjugate the Stem-Changing French Verb ‘Envoyer’ (‘to Send’) The stem changes of ‘envoyer’ are not limited to the present tense. Envoyer (“to send, send off, dispatch, remit, throw”) is a stem-changing verb with an irregular future stem.