Is Liara always the Shadow Broker?

Mass Effect: Homeworlds Liara T’Soni becomes the Shadow Broker herself and assumes control of his organization regardless of Shepard’s involvement. Liara has been trying to sift through the Broker’s Reaper-related files, but quickly finds herself overwhelmed with too much information.

What did the Shadow Broker do to Liara?

The Shadow Broker helped Liara recover the Commander’s tattered remains, but the Broker wanted to sell the body to the Collectors, who had a keen interest in the Commander. Liara objected to this, and with the aid of the Drell named Feron, she stole Shepard’s body out from under the Broker.

Is Liara the Shadow Broker without DLC?

This walkthrough was written with Shepard as an Infiltrator, on Veteran difficulty. When you install Lair of the Shadow Broker, it actually replaces part of the main game. Without the DLC, Liara gives a few low-impact missions that have to do with her information brokerage.

What happens if you give Cerberus info to Shadow Broker?

According to the Shadow Broker’s agent, Kohaku had been hired by them to obtain these files from Cerberus but died in the process. Now, the Shadow Broker wants to trade the info in return for some credits. If Shepard complies, they’ll receive Renegade points as well. Refuse, and Shepard will get Paragon points instead.

What was Hades dog’s name?

Cerberus, in Greek mythology, the monstrous watchdog of the underworld. He was usually said to have three heads, though the poet Hesiod (flourished 7th century bce) said he had 50.

Is Liara in the lair of the Shadow Broker?

The Lair of the Shadow Broker heralds the return of Liara and takes you on an interesting journey we’ll help you complete. Liara makes her grand return in Mass Effect 2, albeit in the form of lackluster little quests that don’t amount to all that much.

Is lair of the Shadow Broker worth it without DLC?

This walkthrough was written with Shepard as an Infiltrator, on Veteran difficulty. When you install Lair of the Shadow Broker, it actually replaces part of the main game. Without the DLC, Liara gives a few low-impact missions that have to do with her information brokerage.

Does Liara have a grudge against the observer?

Observer recommends a kill, but she may have a grudge.” After hacking the fifth terminal, Shepard can call Liara, and a new dialogue option becomes available: “None of the suspects fit”. Selecting this option leads to Shepard informing Liara that the Observer is female, whereas all of the possible suspects are male.

How do I find the Shadow Broker?

Defeating Vasir gets you Dakat’s datapad back, and thus the location of the Shadow Broker. You can use several Paragon interrupts on Liara during the ensuing conversation, particularly if you romanced her during the first game.